Bio fuels - Are they good?

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As the term suggests, bio-fuels are fuels that are formed when biological matter decomposes. The bio-fuels are mostly derived from plants. Bio-fuels exist in all the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.

Difference between bio-fuels and fossil fuels
Bio-fuels are different from fossil fuels in the following ways:
  • Fossil fuels take a million years to build whereas bio-fuels can be made extremely fast, in a matter of days.
  • Fossil fuels generate huge amounts of pollution. Bio-fuels are comparatively safer.
  • Bio-fuels are renewable sources of energy unlike fossil fuels.

Different types of bio-fuels
Bio-fuels have been categorized into four types: first generation, second generation, third generation, and fourth generation.

The first generation bio-fuels are derived from vegetable fats, starch, and sugar, which are in turn derived from food-crops. The first generation fuels are also derived from animal fats. Biogas, bio-diesel, and vegetable oil are some examples of this type of bio-fuels.

The second generation of bio-fuels is mainly derived from waste biomass, thus making it a more balanced option compared to the first-generation bio-fuels. Different kinds of alcohols and diesel generated from wood fall into the category of second generation bio-fuels.

The third generation comprises of bio-fuels derived from algae. Algae are farmed on large scales for creating these bio-fuels. The algae fuels are extremely environment-friendly as they can easily decompose into the soil without harming it.

The bio-fuels in the fourth generation are derived by a method in which micro-organisms are raised to work with carbon dioxide to generate fuel. 

Advantages of bio-fuels
Bio-fuels prove advantageous in the following ways:
  • Bio-fuels lessen the burden on gradually-vanishing fossil fuels.
  • Bio-fuels are environment-friendly. They help reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
  • Bio-fuels, especially, bio-diesel prove to be very cost-effective for consumers.

Disadvantages of bio-fuels
Bio-fuels are not bereft of criticism. Though beneficial for the environment, bio-fuels have its disadvantages, paradoxically in the environmental purview. Bio-fuels have received criticism for many reasons, a couple of which are stated below:
  • Economists have long debated on the usefulness of first generation bio-fuels when compared to the lack of food they cause. Generating fuel from food crops makes food crops unworthy of human consumption. Some people believe that being a higher priority than fuel, food should not be farmed for making fuels but for human consumption.
  • Making bio-fuels require acres of farming land, thus encroaching upon the natural habitat of plants and animals.

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Off Grid Living - You Can Do It Too

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More and more people are realizing that you can still enjoy modern amenities while enjoying the independence of off grid living.  Being off the grid means being exactly that, off the grid.  No power lines, no electric bills, and being free of utility grid demands, not to mention their ever-rising rates.  Off grid living is environmentally friendly and cost effective and it is an option available to almost any one owning a home.

The principles of off grid living may be applied to any home in the world, even those currently tied to the grid.  From solar panels, hydropower and windmills, there is growing curiosity in off grid living and breaking free from fossil fuel burning power plants.  The technologies have advanced and the costs have dropped greatly.

Even do-it-yourselfers can take leaps into off grid living with many kits, resources and manuals available for instruction.  As energy demands increase globally, those living off grid can rest easy knowing their own energy costs are diminishing.

The idea of off grid living can be scary to some who believe they will have to give up some of their most prized possessions and electronic gadgets to achieve such freedom.  This is very far from the truth.  Off grid living is simply about learning to moderate your use of electricity.  It can be as simple as turning off lights that are not really in use.  Purchasing appliances that don’t use energy when not in use (like clocks on microwaves and stoves).  Learning to unplug, not just turn off.  Things like computers and printers, well anything with the little green light that is always on, these items are stealing precious energy and adding to your bill.  Wanting to become part of the off grid living adventure, doesn’t always mean giving up everything, sometimes it just means getting smarter about the things you have.

Off grid living has gotten so popular that even completely re-locatable high efficiency homes are being produced to meet those needs.  Very similar to mobile homes and travel travelers in layout and definitely only designed for a one or two person dwelling, these housing units use solar power, passive solar design and a small amount of natural gas to provide off grid living that you can take with you when you move.

If you are interested in off grid living, but need more success stories to drive you over the teetering point then start your research on the Internet.  There are tons of great resources available and individuals who took the plunge into off grid living with great success telling their stories.  Imagine, no more gathering around that one little candle when the power goes out, or having the neighbors over to watch their favorite shows when there is a blackout. 

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How To Make An Electric Car Quickly

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Many people believe that you need mechanical skills to make an electric car. But, making an electric car is actually quite simple if you have something to guide you along the way. 

So what's so great about building an electric car? By far the best benefit is you will no longer have to pay for expensive gasoline! Some other good benefits are: A quieter Engine and you will help the environment (No More Pollution from your vehicle).

How Do I get Started?

  • You Will Need A Step-By-Step Guide on How to make an electric car
  • A friend to give you an extra hand
  • A place to do the work (Garage, Shed, Driveway)
  • Some Basic Tools- cordless drill, saws, wrenches, maybe a socket set...
In order to start, you will need a vehicle. The best vehicle to convert to electric is Small Cars. One of the main problems is that batteries take a good amount of space up, but a good detailed conversion guide will show you how to avoid this problem.

All the parts needed are actually quite simple to find.  After one week of work, my car was complete and  is now fully electric car!

One of my favorite memories with my electric car was driving by my local gas station and laughing at the 4.00 dollar a gallon price. You might not know this, but gas prices are expected to be around 7.00 dollars a gallon by the end of next year. Don't you think it would be smart to convert your car to electric? 

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Go Green And Save Money

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Everywhere you look these days it seems that the main message is, "go green and save money."

This is an appealing message for most people as we are constantly warned of the dire consequences of global warming out of control. People want to do their bit to help save the planet, and if they can save money at the same time, then it just obviously makes sense all round.

You can go green and save money just about anywhere.

Your home is probably the most obvious place to start, but you can also do wonders with your car, in the office, out shopping, traveling on vacation, and much more. The opportunities are almost endless; going green doesn't have to be more expensive, you can definitely go green and save money at the same time.

Your home probably leaks heat out during the winter and leaks heat in during the summer. For this reason most of us have winter heaters and summer air conditioning units. This should be the first place you investigate of how to go green and save money. Are all your windows tight? Are the door seals tight too? This is where heat can leak out and make your electricity bills soar.

If your house doesn't have good loft insulation, heat will pour out in winter and pour in during the summer. Insulation is one of the best ways to go green and save money. Your walls can have their cavities filled with insulating foam as well, all keeping the heat inside in winter and outside in summer for more comfortable living.

The water you use in the home is perhaps the easiest "go green and save money" source you have. Look for leaks first. Leaking faucets, even just the occasional drip, accounts for a lot of money wasted over time. You could waste as much as 140 gallons in a week!

Are your hot water pipes insulated? They should be if you aim to go green and save money. Insulated pipes let the hot water reach the faucets faster, thereby saving water, while you go green and save money too.

Low flow toilets are another way to save water. You don't need to flush gallons of water away every time, just what you need.

Edison was a genius, but his light bulb invention has been superceded by the new compact fluorescent light bulbs. These are bulbs that use a mere 25% of the energy that a traditional light bulb uses. They also last 10 times longer. 
Replace all your traditional bulbs for compact fluorescent light bulbs and instantly go green and save money!

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A number of devices and techniques have been developed, by which you can generate electricity for your home from free energy sources. These systems are commonly referred to as free energy systems. These systems are only a small part of a wide variety of systems that are available for the production of free energy which focus mainly on three area of free energy: generation of electricity from TV and radio waves, generation of usable electricity from static electricity, and generation of electricity from radiant energy in the atmosphere.

However some people are sceptic about the concept of free energy. They think that it is simply not possible to obtain energy for their needs free of cost. To make matters worse, a few companies have tried to con people with the concept of free energy, which has generated a lot of negative publicity. And then, there are the big electric companies who want to keep people away from free energy. Spreading rumours and false information about free energy is just one of the many methods employed by them. News about successful inventions and implementations of free energy systems have been suppressed or given very little publicity. As a result of all these, some people look on free energy systems as questionable enterprises.

The advent of Internet and advances in communication have worked in favour of supporters of free energy. You must realise that free energy has been a technology that has been around for over a century. A wide variety of devices have been designed and constructed based on a number of principles. A number of energy enthusiasts from different parts of the world have successfully implemented free energy systems, and are enjoying the benefits of these systems. As mentioned before, the stories of these people and related inventions receive little publicity. But now, you have easy access to information about the success of free energy.

The Internet is full of news, messages, articles, pictures, and videos about the immense success of free energy techniques. Just perform a simple search on google, read articles on different web sites, or even watch videos on youtube, about people who get all the electricity they need without paying any money, and some even making money by selling extra electricity. Tesla’sSecret Device uses the same principles and techniques used in many of these systems.

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Easy Techniques To Improve Battery Life!

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All batteries will fail at some point, when they have been in use for longer periods of time. But premature battery failure is one of the main frustrations people face.

Common thinking is that turning devices off extends battery life, but what happens is the opposite. Devices consume more power when they are starting up, so turning them off is not such a good idea if they are going to be switched on frequently.

Cars and Other Automobiles

It is important to protect the car battery from high under the hood temperatures with the use of a case or a heat shield. The battery life can be extended by keeping the battery charged at all times. Electrolyte levels will have to be checked frequently during the hot months. A recent study revealed that relocating the battery outside the engine compartment has increased its life by almost eight months. Car manufacturers are relocating the starting battery to the passenger compartment or the trunk to avoid under the hood temperatures. It also helps to use wet batteries vented to the outside or cells that do not produce gas when recharged. Based on the driving of each individual, some batteries are undercharged and this leads to sulfation, where lead sulfate gets accumulated, reducing the battery capacity. An external battery can be used for charging.

For any battery, the most important factor to consider is the temperature. Ensuring they are not exposed to too much heat can extend the life of a battery. It is common sense that high temperatures lead to faster chemical reactions. They need to be watered more often with only deionized or demineralized water. However, rain water is a good substitute in an emergency. In addition to the temperature, a reduction in the number of discharge/charge cycles significantly improves battery service life. In extremely cold climates, the car battery needs to be continuously kept fully charged when not in use.

Portable Electronic Devices

Battery life can be increased for iPods, cell phones, laptops etc. by lowering the brightness when not necessary. For example, when using these devices in a dark room, it is not necessary to set the brightness to 100%. The brightness can be lowered enough so that the screen can be seen without exerting any strain on the eyes can be done. The amount of time the backlight stays on can also be decreased. For iPods it doesn’t have to stay on for 10 seconds, 2 seconds should be good enough. Laptops can be set in hibernate mode when not in use.

One most important point that not many people are aware of is that turning down the volume increases battery life. Use headphones that are louder and leave the volume at 50%.

Background applications are power hungry monsters. Stop everything that is not being used. Defragmenting the hard drive once in a while helps decrease file scatter on the hard drive and uses up less power. Send the computer into standby mode after a certain period of inactivity as it conserves battery. Although, standby resume also uses some power but not as much as starting up.
Interestingly, leaving a CD or DVD in the drive can decrease battery life, as it hogs power whenever the drive spins up.

In Wi-Fi Applications

Battery life in Wi-Fi apps can be prolonged by either increasing battery capacity or reducing Wi-Fi product power consumption and through control methods. It is easy to increase battery capacity; however, due to technological limits, it may lead to an increase in cost and size of the battery. That brings us to the option of reducing power consumption, which can be done by prolonging the standby time and shortening the time of the active cycle. You can also turn off the WiFi on the iPod when not in use as it consumes a large amount of life.

These techniques of low power consumption can improve battery life dramatically. Most of them are common sense usage techniques and can easily be made part of our daily lives.

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Can Anyone Live Off The Grid?

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When you talk about alternative energy and living off the grid, a lot of people feel instantly that they will have to give up most of their modern amenities to live in such a fashion.  Many more think this is an endeavor solely for granola loving hippies, whose modest ways coincide with fewer technologies, TVs, ACs, etc.  The truth is, living off the grid is a possibility open to anyone.  Granted, you may have a larger investment if you are powering three chest freezers and all high-energy appliances, but this would simply mean you need a larger system.

The increased demand for renewable energy technology has led to the development of more efficient and easy to use components to make living off the grid a reasonable option for anyone willing to be mindful of their energy consumption. 

Using renewable energy sources to produce electricity is a fairly simple process.  You need a power source-sun, wind or water-from which you will harness a low voltage direct current that is then converted, using an inverter, into usable house current (AC).  Excess current generated by your system is stored in battery banks where it can be retrieved during more high demand times or times when the direct energy source is unavailable. 

Living off the grid with renewable power resources is almost completely automated as well.  Except for the maintenance of your batteries, there is almost no special attention needed, other than monitoring your energy use to make sure you do not exceed your supply with your demand.  The key to success in living off the grid is making sure you size your system to meet the demand of your energy needs. 

Living off the grid can be an exhilarating experience.  The feeling of energy freedom is like no other and you can be proud of your efforts to combat global warming and best of all, you may never have to worry about a power outage again.  It is important to conduct your research and determine which alternative energy sources will work best for you in your geographical area, but it is definitely worthwhile to learn how to live off the grid and feel the rush of freedom being off the grid can give.

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Its Easy to Learn How to Make Solar Panels

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Plenty of people have been looking into installing solar panels in an effort to combat rising energy costs.  When most of these people see the prices of the professionally installed panels they realize it may not be a luxury they can afford.  There is an easier, more cost efficient way to harness power from the sun and that is to learn how to make solar panels for your self.

Any motivated do-it-yourselfer can learn how to make solar panels for their home, workshop or business.  When compared to the cost of purchasing and installing a pre-made solar energy system, learning how to make solar panels for your energy needs and the materials you need to execute the project are far less.  By learning how to make solar panels for yourself, you have greater control over the size and design of your system as well.

Once you have a quality manual and you have learned how to make solar panels, the supplies are fairly simple to find.  Most can be found at your local hardware store like, plywood, sheets of glass, and a roll of copper wire.  It is also easy to locate inexpensive solar or photovoltaic cells to use in your project.  Many are available over the Internet or you may have a retailer available locally.  One you’ve learned how to make solar panels and you have your supplies, it usually takes about a day to assemble a 100-watt panel.  This is the perfect amount of electricity to operate small appliances or a small workshop. 

The most important step is finding a quality manual with detailed instructions for learning how to make solar panels.  In many cases you get what you pay for, so don’t be afraid to spend a few extra dollars on a well-reviewed instruction manual.  Overall, the cost of the making your own panels is so low, the price of the how to guide is minimal-you will still be paying way less learning how to make solar panels on your own than purchasing a professionally installed system. 

With a little bit effort, you can be on your way to learning how to make solar panels to meet your energy needs.  Then sit back and bask in the pride the next time the power goes out on your block.  Your lights will still be on because you learned how to make solar panels and your energy supply is still in your battery bank.

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Free Power systems are devices and techniques that help you harness energy from the sky, or rather from free resources around you, so that you don’t have to pay monthly electricity bills anymore. The devices help you generate usable electricity for your household indefinitely.

There are several methods available to generate electricity from free energy sources. The most popular focuses on three areas that have been proven to be efficient, reliable, and cost effective. Believe it or not, you can use the TV and Radio signals around you to generate electricity. These signals are primarily intended to carry information, but they possess electromagnetic energy that could be converted to electrical energy. Usable current electricity can be generated from static electricity. Radiant energy is always present in the atmosphere, day and night, in the form of solar radiation and cosmic rays. Tesla’s Secret Device provides you appliances that help you harness these free sources of energy to generate electricity for your home.

However, you must keep in mind the dangerous nature of electricity. If not handled properly, electric devices and conductors can be fatal. It is  recommended to follow the instructions precisely and with caution, or hire the services of a qualified professional in installing their devices. In fact, it would be better if you started installing small devices first to get the hang of it, before proceeding to a full scale installation to generate electricity for your entire household.

The concept of free energy is over a hundred years old, and free energy devices are being used by enthusiasts all over the world. A few devices that are considers the best choices, among this vast array of devices based on varying principles

Among the various users of free energy, is the inventor of floppy disk and other devices, Dr. Nakamat. The electricity for his entire huge house with over 30 guest rooms is generated using free energy devices, based on the principles of Nicola Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter. Dr. Nakamat’s free energy system is so efficient that after expending tremendous amount of electricity for the needs of his house, the system still generates electrical energy to be sold to the Tokyo Electric Power Company!

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Free energy systems deliver electricity for your household needs free of cost. One of the many devices popularised by free energy advocates uses TV and radio waves to produce electricity. This might come as a surprise to you, as these waves as not even intended for that purpose. However, you must realize that TV and radio signals are electromagnetic waves, and all electromagnetic waves possess some amount of electromagnetic energy. All you need is an appropriate device to convert this energy to usable electrical energy.

Radio waves are all around us. The working of our radio, TV, and even cell phones relies on the transmission of radio waves. These waves are among the longest waves in the electromagnetic spectrum, and could be the size of a football or the size of a football field. These electromagnetic signals can be a very good source of electrical energy.

The following describes a few devices that you can construct using simple components, that will demonstrate to you that electricity can be generated from radio waves. One device consists of an antenna that is connected to a variety of devices such as capacitors, variable capacitors, inductors, diodes, chokes, and resistors in a specific order. Many of these components are grounded. At the other end of this network, the terminals keep providing electric current continuously. With a number of such devices, you could generate enough electricity for your home.

In fact, the above mentioned process can be demonstrated with an even simpler device, consisting of just an antenna, conducting wires, and terminals. The voltage produced would be much smaller and less controllable, but the device still serves as the proof of concept of generation of electricity from radio waves.

Yet another device that could be used to demonstrate the working principles of similar free energy systems consists of an antenna, connected to a series of diodes and capacitor banks which are earthed. The terminals between the endpoints of the capacitor bank generate electricity at a continuous rate. However you must be very careful while conducting this experiment, as the grounding of the capacitor bank can be dangerous to people living near you, especially if they are taking a shower or using water from the main supply.

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Reduce energy usage

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The most difficult day of every month is when time comes to pay bills and mostly the enormous electricity bills that we get. It’s high time and we need to take serious measures to reduce the power bill. Do not worry. We will share some key tips and will make you reach your goal.

Make sure to discuss with family member about the importance of saving electricity. You can reward them a treat if their participation has led to savings. Suggest them some tips like switching of the lights when they are not present there and attending a call in another room or having dinner at the dining table. Make sure to switch off all the appliances even if you are sure to be back in five minutes. Yes, that will help a lot. Every drop of water makes an ocean.

We may prefer to switch off the television set or turn off the fan, but not the tube light. We need light at the time of night but see that the usage is required in all the rooms or not. Taking care of such these small precautions will surely leads us to savings in the long run by reducing the bills of the power demon.

One should plan to invest smartly on power. Replace all the incandescent bulbs present in the house with compact fluorescent light or those CFL bulbs. These bulbs consume less electricity as they consume less power.

Buy the energy saver gadgets that are available in the market. Such gadgets will monitor the intake of the entire power supply in your house and makes you take decision on how to control the usage.

Most of us assume on the fact that the rise in electricity bill is due to the vast number of electrical items present at home. But the truth is that the electricity bill is not directly connected or affected due to the number of gadgets, but by the way one uses them.

Take a step forward to avoid using those typical items regularly that consumes lot of power -

• The washing machine should be used only when there is a bucket full of clothes.
• The geyser should not be kept on for maximum amount of time.
• The air-conditioner should be kept at minimum high or low temperature.
• Take note to switch off the computer monitor when not in use. It consumes maximum power and it just takes a second to switch it again.

Lastly we suggest that for reducing the electricity bill by taking benefit of reading the energy saving guide like Earth4Energy that has some of the best solutions to generate energy at home and providing free electricity to some of your home appliances. In this way we can save power that is facing a huge shortage because of the large demand in the global countries. Try to reduce the requirement of those electrical wires and sockets for home and use the renewable energy extracted from natural resources like wind, sun, tides at a lesser price but having a long term returns.

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Go Green In Your Home - And Save Money Too

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If you want to go green in your home, and save a little money at the same time, it's never been easier.

As the planet faces an uncertain future of global warming, which is believed to be the result of us all burning fossil fuels indiscriminately, we all have a duty to do the best we can to redress the balance. Here are some vital tips to help you get started...

Your home is where you spend a lot of your income, so it makes sense to be spending it as efficiently as possible. You can start to go green in your home by insulating the house. Loft insulation, wall cavity insulation, double or even triple glazing - it will all make a tremendous difference. Yes, there is an investment to consider, but you will save in the long term, and save a lot too.

We all use too much water. Go green in the home by cutting back as much as you can. We could all, collectively, save one billion gallons of water a year by changing our old flush toilet cisterns. The old ones use three and a half gallons per flush and the new high-efficiency ones use just over one and a quarter gallon. It makes a big difference! If you did only this to go green in the home you would save 20,000 gallons of water every year, and pay a lot less in water bills.

The standard light bulbs that most homes have are very inefficient. Compact fluorescent light bulbs burn around 5% of the old bulbs and they last 10 times longer. They may cost slightly more to buy initially, but this is an obvious way to go green in the home and save a bundle in the long run. But you can do even better, The new LED lights are almost twice as efficient as even the compact fluorescent light bulbs, and they will last even longer too.

Heat leaks out of a house in winter and into the house in summer. Better insulation all round is a great way to go green in the home. Look at your loft, your wall cavities, your windows and your doors. Sort out all of these and you can go green in the home and really save too.

Home utilities are a drain on energy. Did you know that modern washing powders are so good that they don't really need hot water? your washing machine uses most of its energy heating the water, so wash your clothes cold. They will clean great while you go green in the home.

You may think your dishwasher is also an energy drain, Strangely, it isn't. If you use it fully filled it uses less resources than if you wash by hand.
Once you know these little tips and tricks, it's easy to go green in the home!
For more great tips on how to go green and how to save money by going green, check out Going Green & Saving Green you can find online.

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How To Go Green And Save Money Too - 7 Simple Tips

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At a time when the world faces increasing global warming, as more and more harmful greenhouse gases pour out into the atmosphere, more and more people are wondering how to go green and make it cost effective too. The good news is that it's very easy to do. In fact, done properly it's hard not to save money while helping the planet recover. So, here's how to go green (and save money) in 7 simple tips.

1. Lower your winter heating by at least one degree.
If you can stand two or three degrees lower, then all the better. You will use less energy and still feel comfortable. Then in summer, let the air conditioning cool the house a little less. That's a great start in how to go green.

2. Set your washing machine to wash clothes in cold water.
Modern cleaning powders don't need hot water, and heating the water is what consumes most of the energy that the washing machine uses.

3. Don't use the dryer to dry your clothes!
That's not how to go green. It uses far too much energy and it's expensive too. Hang your clothes out to dry. The air is great at drying clothes - your grandmother could have told you that.

4. Use Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.
CFL bulbs use 10% of the energy that a standard bulb needs and they last 10 times longer. So, change your light bulbs. And if you want to know how to go green in a bigger way with lights, check out the new LED bulbs. They can be twice as efficient as the CFL bulbs.

5. Use less water.
Check all faucets for leaks and fix any you find. Take shorter showers, don't bath, and consider getting a new toilet cistern that will use less than two gallons of water per flush. Standard cistern use some three and a half gallons. Using less water uses less energy and saves you money!

6. Walk rather than drive for very short trips.
Use a bicycle for moderate trips, and only use the car if you really have to. Gasoline is expensive and it pollutes the atmosphere. Save on burning it and you will save on your money too, as well as help the environment.

7. Keep the speed below 55mph.
When you have to drive, keep your speed down to around 55 miles per hour if possible. Your car's engine will be running at its most efficient at that speed burning the minimum amount of gas. Practice driving smoothly as well. Don't accelerate fast from a standing start, and don't brake hard. This is how to go green with your car, though using public transport, walking and cycling is even better.

For more great tips on how to go green and how to save money by going green, check out Going Green & Saving Green you can find online

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5 Steps To Live Green And Save Money

We all want to live green and save money at the same time, and we can too. Kermit the Frog was wrong when he said, "It ain't easy being green." It's really easy, and highly effective too, if you know how. This article will provide you with 5 essential steps you can start taking today to live green and save money.1
  1. Turn your heater thermostats down one or two degrees in winter, and turn your air conditioning thermostats up one or two degrees in summer. If we all did this, the combined difference would be phenomenal. We'd still feel warm in winter and cool in summer, so learn how to live green and save money with your heating and cooling appliances.
  2. The other appliance that needs your attention is your washing machine. Start washing your clothes in cold water. Modern powders work just as efficiently in cold water as hot. Most of the energy that goes into a clothes wash is in heating up the water, so you will save on electricity, live green and save money too.
  3.   When your clothes are nice and clean, don't throw them into the dryer. Unless it's pouring rain, hang them out to air dry. It's what your grandmother did, and she managed just fine. She may have liked having a dryer, but they weren't around back then, so she just had to live green and save money. You can too!
  4.  Compact fluorescent light bulbs are a dream come true for anyone who wants to live green and save money. They burn just 25% of the electricity that a standard light bulb burns, and they can last up to 10 times longer. Change your old bulbs today!
  5.  Try to consume a little less of everything, from electricity, to gas in the car, to the food you eat. Take time to write out a shopping list, and stick to it. If you feel the impulse to buy something you don't really need, get into the habit of waiting 24 hours, then review it. The chances are you either won't want it any more, or you will have forgotten about it.
It's easy to live green and save money. You just have to give it some thought. Get into a routine that works and before you know it, you will find yourself in the situation where you live green and save money every day.

 For more great tips on how to go green and how to save money by going green, check out Going Green & Saving money. 

Build Your Own Wind And Solar Power System, For a Better Tomorrow... Today!

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Hi Readers,

My name is Tomas and I have spent a great part of my life working for power plants and electricity companies. I am now retired and I no longer fear to share what I have learned over the years. Power companies are charging you way too much for electricity! They have been using the recent fuel problems to justify their price increases, but this just isn't fair to people like you and I.

You know why?

Because power production costs are way under what people believe them to be!

Power companies are charging ridiculously high costs for their electricity because they know that no matter how much they ask you to pay for it, you will HAVE to pay it. Who can live without electricity, right? I am here to help you get out of this exploitation circle. 

My Energy2Green kit is going to teach you everything you need to know to reduce your utility bills to $10 a month or even eliminate them completely. Even better: if you produce 
more energy than you use, the power company will actually pay you for your electricity!

Windmills and solar panels are being sold at prices averaging $3000. I am here to teach
you how to make your own for less than $200!

My Energy2Green manual is going to teach you everything you need to know to
convert your house into a green home even with an extremely limited budget.

Most people believe the only way to get solar and wind power is to buy factory-built
panels and windmills and that it is too costly to be envisageable by average-class people.
WRONG! I am here to show you the OTHER way most people don't know about. The CHEAP way.

Just visit  and i show you how this is possible!

Speak soon,

Energy2Green systems.  

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Why Build An Electric Bike?

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You may be wondering why you should build your own electric bike when you can go buy an off the shelf electric bike or scooter at your local Wal-Mart or Canadian Tire for a reasonable price. The main reason is these bikes just plain suck. They are underpowered with small motors, low amperage controllers, and weak batteries. This is fine if you just want to cruise slowly at 30kph (18 mph) on a flat road down to the local corner store and back and don̢۪t mind pedaling to make it up any hill, but I don̢۪t see them as a replacement for a car. You see them pedaling like mad to make it up a small hill or sometimes pushing them because their battery died. Traffic gets backed up behind them on narrow roads because they are moving so slowly and cars cannot pass them.

There are a few companies that do make very nice high quality electric bikes but only if you are willing to spend up to $10000 and most of them are still not as fast as a bike you can build yourself for a fraction of the cost. If you are serious about replacing your car and cutting the umbilical cord to the oil companies you need to build the bike yourself, hand pick good quality components and modify some parts to increase performance and reliability. This way you can build a bike that perfectly matches your specific needs and will last for many years.

You may be thinking why not just build an electric motorcycle instead of using a bicycle as a platform. Well the bicycle has several advantages. In most places you do not have to license or insure an electric bicycle, which can save you thousands of dollars a year alone. You can also ride an electric bicycle on designated bike routes and paths. On a motorcycle you are obligated to obey the same rules as a car so you are stuck waiting in traffic with every other vehicle. 

A bicycle weighs much less than a motorcycle chassis, which means it will require less power to move it. This translates to a more efficient vehicle that can use a smaller (therefore cheaper) battery pack to travel the same distance. One final advantage of a bicycle is it can be locked up to a bike rack instead of parking in a stall saving you even more money by not purchasing a parking pass.

Visit here to learn more.

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Reasons You Need to Convert to an Electric Car

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While a car has become an important part of most of our lives, the growing concerns over its impact on the depleting environmental conditions and the exhausting fuel resources would soon force us to look at other options. One great option at such a time is converting your car into an electric car and below listed are 5 reasons why you need to do it at the soonest.
  1. Protect environment: Global warming and other environmental threats are affecting us in a major way and the exhaust from the car is a major pollution generator and hence shifting to an electric car would serve the purpose effectively.
  2. Save crude oil: Our natural resources are depleting faster that the rate of their generation and a shift to electric cars would help us use the existing resources for a comparatively longer time period.
  3. Save money: The amount you would spend on an electric car is lesser than the amount that you would spend on a regular fuel vehicle and also the maintenance cost would also not be that high!
  4. Easy car handling: A car driven by fuel would have a lot of complications in engineering and hence the handling can become difficult while an electric car is comparatively simple and runs on a motor and hence the car would be easier to manipulate and handle.
  5. Safe future and safer you: The electric cars are not as fast as fuel cars and hence chances of accidents also reduce and secondly you also ensure that your future generation get a better environment to live in!

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The Components of Your Solar Power Solution

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When beginning a solar energy DIY home conversions project, one question many people have before they start is: What will I need to complete the conversion?

Of course before you start with anything, you should get a good DIY solar guide, and you’ll be walked step by step through the process of setting up your solar energy solution. Aside from that though, let’s cover the basics of what you’ll need to go solar! 

There are 7 main components you’ll need when wiring up a solar energy solution for your home. It should be noted here that we’re talking about converting a home, and not just creating portable solar energy solution (in which case you’ll only need 4 components). 

Convert Your Home Today: 
Before you install your home energy solution, you’ll need the following components. 
These are listed in the order they will be wired into your solar energy system. 

1. Solar Panels – In most DIY applications these will be built by you. You order discount photovoltaic cells, and assemble those into 50W, 75W, or 100W Panels. 

 2. Array DC Disconnect – This simple device is basically just a switch. It allows you to cut the DC power from your solar panels should system maintenance be required. If you shop around you’ll likely pay less than $25 for this component. 

 3. Charge Controller – Most home systems will be built with a battery backup. The charge controller ensures that a consistent amount of power is sent to the batteries, and that the batteries don’t discharge at night. Again, if you shop around for this component, it won’t be a large expense.    

4. Deep Cycle Batteries – To store the power from your solar panels, you will need deep cycle batteries. If you find reconditioned batteries, these can be obtained for fairly cheap. Better yet, you can get old batteries for free and recondition them yourself. 

5. System Meter – This component is actually optional, but it is suggested so that you have a clear way to see how much power is being fed into your home from the solar panels. 

6. Converter – Since your solar panels produce DC power, and your home runs on AC power, the converter makes the solar energy usable by your home. A 1500W converter likely won’t cost you more than $50. 

7. Backup Power – Most systems will also include some sort of backup power. In an off grid application this would generally be a generator. In a city or town, the power grid itself provides the backup. 

 From there the system gets wired into your home breaker box. At this stage, unless you are qualified, you might consider getting a qualified electrician to install the system. At any rate, you now have an idea of what will be needed to get your home running on solar energy. 

If you haven’t done so yet, you should also consider downloading a copy of one of the top guides to teach solar panel DIY. 

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Too Many Electrical Appliances? Power them With Free Electricity from your Phone

Phone 4 Energy™
Modern discoveries have provided us with all the necessary things for a decent and comfortable life. We have refrigerators for keeping the food fresh, heating systems to keep us warm through cold weather, coffee machines to wakes up in the morning, electric toothbrushes to brush our teeth and washing machines to wash our clothes. In fact, if you take a good look around you will see that our entire universe depends on electricity. With so many appliances powered by electrical current, there is no wonder that a high share of our income goes on the electricity bills.

This means that we pay for having this comfort, but we give up other pleasures and dreams we may realize with the money spent on electricity. But what else can we do? Apparently, there are two solutions: either give up some (in fact most) of the electrical appliances in order to save some money and start giving more attention to our other needs, or we continue to work the entire month only to pay the bills. Yet, the ends of these solutions, even though apparently irreconcilable, can be made to meet. All we need to do is find an alternative source of power which will offer energy for part of the appliances we use in the house, while the other part will still be powered from the power outlet.

Phone 4 Energy™

This alternative source of power, which is both cheap and convenient, is the phone line. The phone companies use power to make conversations possible, yet, there are periods of time, such as during the night, when this power is not used by anyone, as there are very few to no people using the phone network during that period. This is the time when you can gather the energy and deposit it into batteries which will later power some of the appliances from your house. This energy is included in your phone bill, so that it is practically yours, you are not stealing anything, but rather use the power which is otherwise wasted. 


Thus, why not take advantage of this offer and have your share of energy from the phone? It will help you save some money and fulfill your dreams without giving up your comfort and your actual lifestyle. Read more here.

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Why People Are Converting to the Electric Car - The Truth!

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It is the time when people are getting more conscious about the environment and their resources and hence they are also trying to change their lifestyle and habits in order to meet the standards that would help protect the environment as well as the natural resources available to us. Many might wonder, especially in certain cases like a car, why people shift from a high end fuel based car to a comparatively slower electric car.

But there are more than one reasons why these changes are taking place and most of them are related to the long term needs of us humans as most of us have become aware that at the current rate we will soon be out of stock for the common fuels and hence it would be wiser to make the shift right now rather be forced to shift when we are on the verge of exhaustion.

Secondly, more and more individuals understand the complications that the environmental problems are causing, due to the increasing carbon and pollutant particles in the air due to various fuel led emissions.

Lastly, the electric car is also quite easy on one's pocket as it is not that expensive as well as one can convert his/her existing vehicle into an electric car. So in case you are planning to do the same you will find a lot of help online about how to make an electric car, you can surely take some tips and in a few weeks you would have your homemade electric car ready and moving!
To summarize:
  • Electric cars save money
  • They save the environment
  • They are safer than gas cars.
Make the right decision and convert to the electric car today!

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Using Wind Turbines to Power Your Home

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The first thing to look at, before you ever consider converting to wind power, is the area where you live. A windmill solution obviously requires wind. More specifically you want wind speeds that exceed 8MPH on average. Even 8MPH is considered a low-wind-speed area for wind turbines. 12MPH average is ideal.

To start, take the time to look at the wind speed charts that fit your area:

 If You Live in the USA:

If You Live in Canada:

If You Live in the UK or Europe:            

If you live in Australia:

Assuming that the average wind speed in your area is above 8MPH, then continue on to the other considerations listed below. If you don’t live in a suitable area, then you should consider a solar power conversion instead.

Convert Your Home Today:
product complete

Wind Turbine Considerations
Once you’ve determined that wind power is suitable for your area there are a few other things you need to consider.  Really this is just about asking some questions and then answering them. Taking the time to do so will ensure you choose a wind power system that fits. Especially if you are planning to live off the grid, you should take the time to answer these questions before you start.

Your Power Needs

The first thing that needs to be considered is your power needs. Are you simply looking to reduce your power bill with a single small windmill? Or, will you want to power your entire home?
If you’re looking to power your whole home, you should take the time to calculate your actual power requirements. If you take the time to download Earth 4 Energy, their guide comes with a calculator and instructions on how to do this (you’ll need this guide anyway).

Storing Power from Wind Turbines
From the answer to your first question you then need to consider building a storage system for your wind turbine. A simple array of batteries can be designed to store as little or as much power as needed.

If you’re only building a small wind power solution to reduce your power bills then this is likely less of a concern.

On the other hand if you’re looking to live off the grid, you will need to consider energy storage. You should use your calculation for your power needs to design this part of your system. Take into consideration how much power you will need to store and for how long.

If you have weeks where there is less wind than usual, ensure that you have a large enough battery array to compensate (or better yet work to reduce you energy needs by using high efficiency bulbs and appliances).

Having a Backup Plan
Finally, for those who plan to live entirely off the grid, you should consider your backup plan. For most of us consistent power is a requirement. Ensure that you design your wind turbine solution with a backup plan. Generally a small gas generator is enough to ensure you have power if something goes wrong.

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Windmill Blades – Make them or Buy Them?

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So you’ve decided to build your own windmill. Possibly you took the right steps and purchased one of the top guides that teach the subject. Or maybe you’re more daring and trying to do it without professionally written instruction. In either case one area where many people get stuck is when it comes time to create their windmill blades.

Really when you get to this step you have two separate options:

   1. Build them yourself – Obviously this is the least expensive route
   2. Buy Premade Windmill Blades – Costs more but is a lot less work

From that I wanted to take some time to talk about the advantages/disadvantages of going either way. In reality if you put a value to your time, by the time you finish building the wind turbine blades yourself, the cost is close to equal. On the other hand, if you’re cheap like me, it might be that you’d rather do it yourself and save the money. In either case there are advantages to going either way.

Buying Your Windmill Blades

First let’s cover the advantages of buying your blades. In this case they are really quite obvious.

   1. The blades are professionally made
   2. More varieties of materials you can buy your blades in
   3. Less concern about getting the correct shape to catch the wind.

Of course there are also disadvantages to buying windmill blades instead of making them yourself. First, it becomes more difficult to tailor your blades to the generator you selected/created for your DIY windmill. And then, of course, there is the cost involved.
Machined blades can run you as much as $1,000 or more. To offset that cost, you may want to check eBay. Often you can find premade blades there, in diameters of 4’ to 6’, for around $100.
Making Your Own Windmill Blades

While there are advantages to buying your windmill blades, there are also some big advantages to building them yourself.

   1. The blades are created with your actual windmill design in mind.
   2. You save your money, and your home power system will cost less.
   3. You get to choose the style of turbine blade to fit your area. Especially in low wind speed areas, this is important.
   4. You get the satisfaction of telling everyone – you did it!

If you do choose to build your own windmill blades, I suggest you take the time to learn about the top three wind power conversion guides. With our top pick specifically, they recently added a video that teaches that exact topic.
In any case, be sure to take the time to design your blades to fit your application. Taking the time to do so will ensure your wind mill operates trouble-free for years to come!

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Alternative Renewable Energy Source

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This energy source is the most famous technique from our days. There is a new enthusiasm over an incomplete battle with radiant Nicola Tesla's energy. This radiant energy is a brand new competitor in this commerce that is actually on the rise. In this article we are going to evaluate if this radiant energy is capable to generate sufficient electricity for our energy supplies. 

We are going to discuss also about how we can tap this radiant energy and how will this power up our homes. Why is this energy source so important and how does it vary from solar and wind force? Here is the answer for this question. This solar energy production is done through a collection of solar panel cells that will convert the sunlight into electrical energy.

Wind force is produced from the power of the wind that will rotate the turbine generator blades or a wind rotor generator. Radiant energy obtains its force from electromagnetic waves. This wave is actually undetectable in the naked eye. It is as well recognized as energy from the space. These electromagnetic waves are most of the times all around us. 

This energy could come up from the sun's emissions or from the soil. At present, there are many homes making use of the solar power to generate the electricity, as well as that technology develops, the prices reduce & use as well as approaches to the alternative energy sources (like implementing solar energy plans in new and current build), will become realistic option for the people who would like to save some money, decrease carbon emissions & use clean green source of the power.

One more choice energy source that comes from the wind energy that is as well increasingly to be used by people that are worried about decline in the fossil fuels as well as rise in the domestic utility bills. Currently there is increased demand for installation of the wind energy systems to give greener, and cleaner living. Contrary to the famous belief, and wind doesn’t need to constantly blow for power homes with the wind energy. Like with the solar energy, huge benefit of the wind power is wind is clean, green as well as you may make that in your back garden. And out of all renewable energy resources that are accessible, wind power has best potential for development and growth.

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