Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts

Go Green In Your Home - And Save Money Too

brought to you by How can We Save Energy  

If you want to go green in your home, and save a little money at the same time, it's never been easier.

As the planet faces an uncertain future of global warming, which is believed to be the result of us all burning fossil fuels indiscriminately, we all have a duty to do the best we can to redress the balance. Here are some vital tips to help you get started...

Your home is where you spend a lot of your income, so it makes sense to be spending it as efficiently as possible. You can start to go green in your home by insulating the house. Loft insulation, wall cavity insulation, double or even triple glazing - it will all make a tremendous difference. Yes, there is an investment to consider, but you will save in the long term, and save a lot too.

We all use too much water. Go green in the home by cutting back as much as you can. We could all, collectively, save one billion gallons of water a year by changing our old flush toilet cisterns. The old ones use three and a half gallons per flush and the new high-efficiency ones use just over one and a quarter gallon. It makes a big difference! If you did only this to go green in the home you would save 20,000 gallons of water every year, and pay a lot less in water bills.

The standard light bulbs that most homes have are very inefficient. Compact fluorescent light bulbs burn around 5% of the old bulbs and they last 10 times longer. They may cost slightly more to buy initially, but this is an obvious way to go green in the home and save a bundle in the long run. But you can do even better, The new LED lights are almost twice as efficient as even the compact fluorescent light bulbs, and they will last even longer too.

Heat leaks out of a house in winter and into the house in summer. Better insulation all round is a great way to go green in the home. Look at your loft, your wall cavities, your windows and your doors. Sort out all of these and you can go green in the home and really save too.

Home utilities are a drain on energy. Did you know that modern washing powders are so good that they don't really need hot water? your washing machine uses most of its energy heating the water, so wash your clothes cold. They will clean great while you go green in the home.

You may think your dishwasher is also an energy drain, Strangely, it isn't. If you use it fully filled it uses less resources than if you wash by hand.
Once you know these little tips and tricks, it's easy to go green in the home!
For more great tips on how to go green and how to save money by going green, check out Going Green & Saving Green you can find online.

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How To Go Green And Save Money Too - 7 Simple Tips

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

At a time when the world faces increasing global warming, as more and more harmful greenhouse gases pour out into the atmosphere, more and more people are wondering how to go green and make it cost effective too. The good news is that it's very easy to do. In fact, done properly it's hard not to save money while helping the planet recover. So, here's how to go green (and save money) in 7 simple tips.

1. Lower your winter heating by at least one degree.
If you can stand two or three degrees lower, then all the better. You will use less energy and still feel comfortable. Then in summer, let the air conditioning cool the house a little less. That's a great start in how to go green.

2. Set your washing machine to wash clothes in cold water.
Modern cleaning powders don't need hot water, and heating the water is what consumes most of the energy that the washing machine uses.

3. Don't use the dryer to dry your clothes!
That's not how to go green. It uses far too much energy and it's expensive too. Hang your clothes out to dry. The air is great at drying clothes - your grandmother could have told you that.

4. Use Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.
CFL bulbs use 10% of the energy that a standard bulb needs and they last 10 times longer. So, change your light bulbs. And if you want to know how to go green in a bigger way with lights, check out the new LED bulbs. They can be twice as efficient as the CFL bulbs.

5. Use less water.
Check all faucets for leaks and fix any you find. Take shorter showers, don't bath, and consider getting a new toilet cistern that will use less than two gallons of water per flush. Standard cistern use some three and a half gallons. Using less water uses less energy and saves you money!

6. Walk rather than drive for very short trips.
Use a bicycle for moderate trips, and only use the car if you really have to. Gasoline is expensive and it pollutes the atmosphere. Save on burning it and you will save on your money too, as well as help the environment.

7. Keep the speed below 55mph.
When you have to drive, keep your speed down to around 55 miles per hour if possible. Your car's engine will be running at its most efficient at that speed burning the minimum amount of gas. Practice driving smoothly as well. Don't accelerate fast from a standing start, and don't brake hard. This is how to go green with your car, though using public transport, walking and cycling is even better.

For more great tips on how to go green and how to save money by going green, check out Going Green & Saving Green you can find online

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Examples Of How Going Green Saves You Money

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There are many examples of how going green saves you money. Kermit the Frog was wrong - it IS easy being green, and it saves you money at the same time. As the planet faces a period of warming where our actions are believed to be the prime cause, it makes sense to seek out examples of how going green saves you money and act on them.

That cell phone charger that stays plugged in, the DVD player that waits for the occasional playing, and the TV that sits on standby all night, these are prime examples of how going green saves you money - if you unplug them, that is. For even if the items are not working, they are consuming energy!

Another of the prime examples of how going green saves you money is switching from bottled water to filtered tap water. The average family spends some $1,400 a year on bottled water. And the worst part is that 95% of the plastic bottles are not recycled! For less than $100 you could get a high quality staged water filter to make your tap water perfect.

Examples of how going green saves you money are everywhere. Do you drive as fast as the law allows? You shouldn't. Car engines perform most efficiently at around 55 miles an hour. If you combine that with gentle driving on properly inflated tires, you will save money and help the planet too.

You could always use a bicycle to travel around town. Or you could simply walk for those short trips. You won't be pouring hydrocarbons into the atmosphere, warming the planet, you will save money, and you will get some good exercise at the same time. Walking and cycling when you can are excellent examples of how going green saves you money.

Some 65 million newspapers are printed every day in the US. Some 70% of them will not be recycled. What a waste of trees! You can do your bit to help, and read whatever news you want to read at the same time simply by going online. Very few newspapers don't have an online presence these days, so save some money and read from the web pages.

Do you want more example of how going green saves you money? They are all around you. Just look and you certainly will find them.

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How To Go Green At Work And Save Too - 5 Tips

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Every business, small or large, should be thinking of how to go green at work in order to save money and the environment at the same time. Workers can be wasteful at work. Sometimes it's because they are not paying for their carelessness, or maybe because their boss doesn't care either. Knowing how to go green at work, at least a little bit, is invaluable. We should all be doing it and we can easily do it too.

Here are 5 simple tip to help...
  1. The office printer is one appliance in the work place where you can start learning how to go green at work. Paper comes from trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, preventing it from accumulating in the atmosphere and adding to the global greenhouse effect. You can cut paper usage in half at a single stroke by simply printing on both sides of every sheet of paper. That's one example of how to go green at work and save money too!
  2. Business travel costs a huge fortune every year. This is not how to go green at work. No one travels by bicycle, or walks to meetings. No, they travel in huge gas-guzzling jets, or along highways in comfortable cars. Business travel puts a considerable strain on the planet. The answer? Use video conferencing as much as possible. With a good high speed Internet connection and a decent web cam, you can speak to anyone anywhere in the world. There's a good choice of conferencing software available, and all at a mere fraction of jet travel.
  3. Work from home. That answers the question of how to go green at work by cutting down on office expenses. You heat your home anyway, and as long as you have the necessary communications needed to do your job, then why not work from home! Of course, if you're a truck driver, or a circus clown, it may be more difficult.
  4. Invoice by email. This is one of the simplest ways of how to go green at work. As in tip number one, you save on paper, and a lot of paper too. Let your customers have the option to pay online of possible. The more you can do electronically that has traditionally been done with paper, the more the planet will benefit, and you'll save money too.
  5. Use laptops rather than stand alone computers and monitors. A laptop will consume around 50 watts of energy while in use compared to a computer and monitor, which consumes around 270 watts of energy. Also, have all laptops set so that they go to sleep if not used for more than 15 minutes. Screensavers do not save money. Quite the opposite; they use more! How to go green at work and save a lot of money? Switch off all computers and laptops when not in use. If all businesses did this they would save enough to power the city of Chicago for one year!

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How to Make Biodiesel

Homemade Biodiesel 
Biodiesel boasts a number of benefits, but one of the biggest benefits is that that anyone can make Biodiesel at home. Imagine being able to make your fuel for your vehicle or even to create energy for your home right in your garage. That would translate into lots savings for you. It can be pretty easy when it comes to making Biodiesel. If you are able to, it is a great idea to get involved in making your own Biodiesel because you get to save gas costs when you use home-made Biodiesel. 

Supplies for Biodiesel 
To make a small batch of Biodiesel at home all you need are few supplies. The production of Biodiesel requires the actual ingredients alcohol, lye and vegetable oil substance. You have to prepare some supplies as inputs for mixing the fuel: unfilled plastic bottles, duct tape, a blender and measuring cups. Be sure anything used for Biodiesel production is exclusively for that purpose and never recycle such ingredients for cooking. When supplies are ready, you are ready to begin learning how to make Biodiesel. 

Safe Process 
Making Biodiesel is a relatively safe process. There is little risk for fire or explosion as you may expect with fuel. Indeed the only safety precaution you have to note, inflicting burns to yourself due to flames. Pay attention closely to the temperasture in your mixing procedure. You will undertake the simple procedure of Biodiesel production which takes into account combining the inputs, letting it to settle, separating the byproduct and Biodiesel and then cleaning the Biodiesel. The entire proccess can last for just a few days or it may take a few weeks. That is dependent on the cleanliness level of your vegetable oil. 

Low Volume or High Volume 
You can produce Biodiesel in small scale or large scale. Tapping biodisel is sensible if you want to make a few gallons of Biodiesel at a time. If you depend on your lawnmower or similar equipments then A Biodiesel kit would be perfect. It is simple to use and will require a small amount of supplies. If you are looking to make more Biodiesel, say to fuel your vehicle, then you will need a Biodiesel processor. This makes the process super simple, so you can make more than a few gallons at a time. The processor entails more supplies but you can be more productive in making Biodiesel since the processor can automate some tasks.

7 Tips To Go Green And Save

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

At a time when the world faces increasing global warming, as more and more harmful greenhouse gases pour out into the atmosphere, more and more people are wondering how to go green and make it cost effective too. The good news is that it's very easy to do. In fact, done properly it's hard not to save money while helping the planet recover.

So, here's how to go green (and save money) in 7 simple tips:
  1. Lower your winter heating by at least one degree. If you can stand two or three degrees lower, then all the better. You will use less energy and still feel comfortable. Then in summer, let the air conditioning cool the house a little less. That's a great start in how to go green.
  2. Set your washing machine to wash clothes in cold water. Modern cleaning powders don't need hot water, and heating the water is what consumes most of the energy that the washing machine uses.
  3. Don't use the dryer to dry your clothes! That's not how to go green. It uses far too much energy and it's expensive too. Hang your clothes out to dry. The air is great at drying clothes - your grandmother could have told you that.
  4. Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs use 10% of the energy that a standard bulb needs and they last 10 times longer. So, change your light bulbs. And if you want to know how to go green in a bigger way with lights, check out the new LED bulbs. They can be twice as efficient as the CFL bulbs.
  5. Use less water. Check all faucets for leaks and fix any you find. Take shorter showers, don't bath, and consider getting a new toilet cistern that will use less than two gallons of water per flush. Standard cistern use some three and a half gallons. Using less water uses less energy and saves you money!
  6. Walk rather than drive for very short trips. Use a bicycle for moderate trips, and only use the car if you really have to. Gasoline is expensive and it pollutes the atmosphere. Save on burning it and you will save on your money too, as well as help the environment.
  7. When you have to drive, keep your speed down to around 55 miles per hour if possible. Your car's engine will be running at its most efficient at that speed burning the minimum amount of gas. Practice driving smoothly as well. Don't accelerate fast from a standing start, and don't brake hard. This is how to go green with your car, though using public transport, walking and cycling is even better.

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Electric Vehicle Motors

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You’ve decided to build your own electric vehicle and now you need to learn about electric vehicle motors.

There are many considerations in choosing which one to install.

What do you need to know to get started?

· DC or AC- the choice is yours

· How big of a motor do you need?

· Detailed plans on how to build an electric car- electric vehicle motors

· Do you choose a car or truck?

Let’s start with the vehicle you will use. There are some basic considerations you need to remember but mostly vehicle weight and battery capacity are your main concerns.

Basically the lighter the vehicle the farther it will be able to travel between charges. That means installing electric vehicle motors in a small car or truck is your best choice. This must be balanced with total battery capacity too, since the more batteries, the longer your vehicle range will be.

We have chosen small trucks for most of our latest conversions as they are light, strong and have lots of room for batteries making it a good choice for installing electric vehicle motors.

Which motor should you choose?

Most of the large car companies are installing large AC motors in their electric vehicles. AC is light for its power output and they have a powerful charging device that works off of your braking system when the AC motor is slowed down that energy is actually transferred to the batteries.

The two drawbacks to those motors are that they are more difficult to install compared to DC and more expensive.

For that reason we have chosen DC electric vehicle motors for our recent conversions. They are easier to install and cheaper too.

The plans we found also showed us where to find them for free- and deep cycle batteries from the same source too. That really saved us a lot of money.

Since electric vehicle motors will last a very long time, probably through 2 vehicles obtaining used DC motors is a good choice for the conversion. Good recycled motors are all around if you know where to look.

Motors in the 9 to 13 inch range work best and has lots of power.

Choosing the right vehicle and obtaining free parts will definitely keep the cost of the project down too.

The first time you drive by a gas station after you do your conversion you won’t be able to stop smiling.

Did you know that gas prices are expected to rise to $7 per gallon next year?

Isn’t it time you did your own conversion? Let’s get started.

Learn about Electric Vehicle Motors is a great place to start and learn how you can save lots of money on your gas bills for the future and help the environment in the process.

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Electric Truck Conversion

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

You’ve decided to do an electric truck conversion and now you need detailed plans to get you started. Doing the conversion is not that difficult if you follow these simple steps.

· Find a place to work- shop, garage etc.

· Get your tools ready, saws, cordless drill, wrenches etc.

· Locate a decent small truck to convert

· Get detailed electric truck conversion plans

It is a good idea to use a small truck for this conversion because they are light and strong. Unlike small cars they also have lots of room for battery placement.

Since the number of batteries determines your effective range this makes a small truck a good choice.

We recently completed a conversion on a Toyota Tacoma and it worked great.

Remember that you will need a standard transmission truck to start with. Automatic transmissions just don’t work with electric motors.

Don’t worry though, if you only know how to drive an automatic, your electric truck conversion will drive just like an automatic.

Just put it in gear and go. It’s pretty simple and does it go…

We were amazed at the acceleration which left a lot of people staring at us as we zipped between stop lights in town. This isn’t a slow moving golf cart as some people seem to think.

Your electric truck conversion will keep up with any vehicle in town and travel 50 mph on the highway.

With a range of over 200 miles, as outlined in the detailed plans it will take you where you want to go, when you want to get there.

The two main parts to an electric truck are batteries and a motor. We chose a large 11 inch DC motor for our conversion and this allows us to haul loads of even firewood with the truck.

What impressed us most is that the plans even outlined sources of free deep cycle batteries that we could use in our truck.

Since batteries are one of the largest expenses (you need 20 or so) this really helps keep the cost manageable – a big plus for the budget minded family.

And isn’t that why you are doing this conversion? To save money…

You will save lots of money too on both fuel and repairs as the electric truck is much more reliable. For the cost of one repair bill with your present vehicle you could be driving an electric truck conversion.

The first time you drive by a gas station you will know exactly what we mean.

Did you know that gas is expected to rise to $7 per gallon by next year? Isn’t it time you did your own conversion too. Let’s get started.

Electric Truck Conversion is the best place to start to do your own conversion and start saving money and the environment; you can do your own electric truck conversion too.

Learn more here

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Electric Car Conversions – Parts List

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It isn’t really a complicated process to do electric car conversions but you will need to obtain certain specialized parts.

You will need, an electric motor, deep cycle batteries, controller, battery charger an adaptor kit and various other small parts.

But first you are going to need a vehicle that you can do your electric car conversion with. Any vehicle can be used for this project, but some work better than others.

Heading the list are small cars and trucks as they are light and strong. Your first consideration as shown in the detailed plans is to find the lightest vehicle that will still do the job of hauling you and whatever cargo you carry around.

Next, you will want a large DC motor that will produce power for your electric car. The larger the motor, the more power your Electric car will have.

Don’t worry that it will be slow either. Many people have the wrong impression of electric cars; they accelerate as fast as any vehicle on the road, and travel easily at 50 mph.

What about batteries?

You will need to locate about 20 deep cycle batteries for your car as well. The plans outline sources of batteries, even free batteries that you can find easily. The same source will probably have free DC motors too.

It’s just a matter of asking.

Why do you need 20 batteries? In order to achieve a range of 200 miles you will need this many batteries.

A controller is needed to fix the amount of current flowing from the batteries to the motor which determines how fast you go. The controller is connected to your old gas pedal linkage for smooth control of the vehicle.

In order to charge your batteries between trips you will need an on board battery charger. That way you can simply just plug it into any common AC circuit and get charged up again.

Isn’t it time you got started on your own conversion.

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Build Your Own Electric Car

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Learning how to build your own electric car is not really that difficult of a project. We did our own conversion of a 1995 Toyota Corolla in about 2 weeks at a cost of only a few hundred dollars. How did we do it? It really turned into a family project after it began, here’s how you can do it too.

What will you need to get started?

· Detailed plans on how to build your own electric car

· You can use any vehicle- gas, diesel

· A garage, shop or barn is nice, but not necessary

· Simple tools every home workshop has- wrenches, drills etc.

First off you will need a large DC motor (9 inches or larger) and a source of batteries. Note that AC motors can be used as well but they are a bit more expensive so we went with DC. They are easier to install too.

You can, of course buy all these parts brand new but this is the heaviest cost of the whole project so we suggest using the sources of free DC motors and free industrial batteries listed in the plans.

They’re not hard to find either and since a DC motor will run for probably longer than you will own your car, using salvaged motors makes sense. Your car will rust out from under you before the motor gives up.

We wanted to keep the costs down and figured this was a great way to do it.

After obtaining your DC motor and batteries you have to remove your gas engine from your car. Rent a hoist or find a friendly mechanic to lift it out for your. A few bolts and it’s free.

Leave the clutch and flywheel assembly and detach the rest. That will leave you room for batteries and DC motor mounting.

It is imperative that you only use a standard transmission vehicle for your conversion as automatic transmissions simply won’t work.

Don’t worry, you won’t even have to shift gears in traffic once the conversion is done. It will drive just like an automatic transmission, which is nice. Put it in gear and go. When you stop the engine simply stops too. It doesn’t keep idling, requiring clutching like a gas engine.

The accelerating ability takes some getting used to as there won’t be a vehicle in town that will take you off the line at stop lights. This is no slow golf cart you will be building here.

Learning how to build your own electric car is a lot of fun too. Putting together the controller and motor assembly is not that difficult either.

Your new Electric car will be able to go 50 mph and travel up to 200 miles on a single charge too. Pretty amazing.

Did you know that gas prices are expected to reach $7 per gallon next year?

Isn’t it time you got started on this project.

Build Your Own Electric Car is the best place to start on your own electric car conversion and learn all there is to know about how to build your own electric car.

Learn more here

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30 Gas Saving Tips

by Ernest Miles
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The surest way you can improve your fuel cost problem is to change your motoring habits. Listed below under four categories are 30 effective methods of doing so... no need to buy expensive add-on equipment.


1. Avoid prolonged warming up of engine, even on cold mornings - 30 to 45 seconds is plenty of time.
2. Be sure the automatic choke is disengaged after engine warm up... chokes often get stuck, resulting in bad gas/air mixture.
3. Don't start and stop engine needlessly. Idling your engine for one minute consumes the gas amount equivalent to when you start the engine.
4. Avoid "reving" the engine, especially just before you switch the engine off; this wastes fuel needlessly and washes oil down from the inside cylinder walls, owing to loss of oil pressure.
5. Eliminate jack-rabbit starts. Accelerate slowly when starting from dead stop. Don't push pedal down more than 1/4 of the total foot travel. This allows carburetor to function at peak efficiency.


6. Buy gasoline during coolest time of day - early morning or late evening is best. During these times gasoline is densest. Keep in mind - gas pumps measure volumes of gasoline, not densities of fuel concentration. You are charged according to "volume of measurement".
7. Choose type and brand of gasoline carefully. Certain brands provide you with greater economy because of better quality. Use the brands which "seem" most beneficial.
8. Avoid filling gas tank to top. Overfilling results in sloshing over and out of tank. Never fill gas tank past the first "click" of fuel nozzle, if nozzle is automatic.


9. Exceeding 40 mph forces your auto to overcome tremendous wind resistance.
10. Never exceed legal speed limit. Primarily they are set for your traveling safety, however better gas efficiency also occurs. Traveling at 55 mph give you up to 21% better mileage when compared to former legal speed limits of 65 mph and 70 mph.
11. Traveling at fast rates in low gears can consume up to 45% more fuel than is needed.
12. Manual shift driven cars allow you to change to highest gear as soon as possible, thereby letting you save gas if you "nurse it along". However, if you cause the engine to "bog down", premature wearing of engine parts occurs.
13. Keep windows closed when traveling at highway speeds. Open windows cause air drag, reducing your mileage by 10%.
14. Drive steadily. Slowing down or speeding up wastes fuel. Also avoid tailgating - the driver in front of you is unpredictable. Not only is it unsafe, but if affects your economy, if he slows down unexpectedly.
15.Think ahead when approaching hills. If you accelerate, do it before you reach the hill, not while you're on it.


16. Do not rest left foot on floor board pedals while driving. The slightest pressure puts "mechanical drag" on components, wearing them down prematurely. This "dragging" also demands additional fuel usage.
17. Avoid rough roads whenever possible, because dirt or gravel rob you of up to 30% of your gas mileage.
18. Use alternate roads when safer, shorter, straighter. Compare traveling distance differences - remember that corners, curves and lane jumping requires extra gas. The shortest distance between two points is always straight.
19. Stoplights are usually timed for your motoring advantage. By traveling steadily at the legal speed limit you boost your chances of having the "green light" all the way.
20. Automatic transmissions should be allowed to cool down when your car is idling at a standstill, e.g. railroad crossings, long traffic lights, etc. Place gear into neutral position. This reduces transmission strain and allows transmission to cool.
21. Park car so that you can later begin to travel in forward gear; avoid reverse gear maneuvers to save gas.
22. Regular tune-ups ensure best economy; check owner's manual for recommended maintenance intervals. Special attention should be given to maintaining clean air filters... diminished air flow increases gas waste.
23. Inspect suspension and chassis parts for occasional misalignment. Bent wheels, axles, bad shocks, broken springs, etc. create engine drag and are unsafe at high traveling speeds.
24. Remove snow tires during good weather seasons; traveling on deep tire tread really robs fuel!
25. Inflate all tires to maximum limit. Each tire should be periodically spun, balanced and checked for out-of-round. When shopping for new tires, get large diameter tires for rear wheels. Radial designs are the recognized fuel-savers; check manufacturer's specifications for maximum tire pressures.
26. Remove vinyl tops - they cause air drag. Rough surfaces disturb otherwise smooth air flow around a car's body. Bear in mind when buying new cars that a fancy sun roof helps disturb smooth air flow (and mileage).
27. Auto air conditioners can reduce fuel economy by 10% to 20%. Heater fan, power windows and seats increase engine load; the more load on your engine, the less miles per gallon.
28. Remove excess weight from trunk or inside of car - extra tires, back seats, unnecessary heavy parts. Extra weight reduces mileage, especially when driving up inclines.
29. Car pools reduce travel monotony and gas expense - all riders chip in to help you buy. Conversation helps to keep the driver alert. Pooling also reduces traffic congestion, gives the driver easier maneuverability and greater "steady speed" economy. For best results, distribute passenger weight evenly throughout car.
30. During cold weather watch for icicles frozen to car frame. Up to 100 lbs. can be quickly accumulated! Unremoved snow and ice cause tremendous wind resistance. Warm water thrown on (or hosed on) will eliminate it fast.


Install pressure regulator valve (sold in auto parts stores)... Use graphite motor oil... Beware of oil additives, regardless of advertising claims... Investigate fuel/water injection methods and products... combine short errands into one trip... Use special gas additives to prevent winter freezing of gas lines... convert your V8 engine over to a V4 - no special kits needed!!!
Source from
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Videos on Tips for Gas Saving

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With oil prices sky rocketing, I hope the videos about tips on being more fuel efficient and getting better gas mileage below can help you save your penny. Enjoy it!

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13 Ways to Save Fuel

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With the skyrocketing of gas prices its better to save our fuel consumptions. And studies show that bad driving habits contribute significant amount of fuel wastefulness. Lets learn from drivers experiences how to save gas with your car. These ten fuel saving tips from Aaron Gold have served him well over the years, and they can help you improve your car's fuel economy and take some of the sting out of high fuel prices. Most of these tips will give you a very slight increase in MPG -- but use several together and the gas mileage improvements will really add up.

1. Slow down

One of the best ways to save gas is to simply reduce your speed. As speed increases, fuel economy decreases exponentially. If you one of the "ten-over on the freeway" set, try driving the speed limit for a few days. You'll save a lot of fuel and your journey won't take much longer. (Just be sure you keep to the right, so you won't impede the less-enlightened.)

2. Check your tire pressure

Under-inflated tires are one of the most commonly ignored causes of crummy MPG. Tires lose air due to time (about 1 psi per month) and temperature (1 psi for every 10 degree drop); under-inflated tires have more rolling resistance, which means you need to burn more gas to keep your car moving. Buy a reliable tire gauge and check your tires at least once a month. Be sure to check them when they are cold, since driving the car warms up the tires along with the air inside them, which increases pressure and gives a falsely high reading. Use the inflation pressures shown in the owner's manual or on the data plate in the driver's door jamb.

3. Check your air filter

A dirty air filter restricts the flow of air into the engine, which harms performance and economy. Air filters are easy to check and change; remove the filter and hold it up to the sun. If you can't see light coming through it, you need a new one. Consider a "permanent" filter which is cleaned rather than changed; they are much less restrictive than throw-away paper filters, plus they're better for the environment.

4. Accelerate with care

Jack-rabbit starts are an obvious fuel-waster -- but that doesn't mean you should crawl away from every light. If you drive an automatic, accelerate moderately so the transmission can shift up into the higher gears. Stick-shifters should shift early to keep the revs down, but don't lug the engine -- downshift if you need to accelerate. Keep an eye well down the road for potential slowdowns. If you accelerate to speed then have to brake right away, that's wasted fuel.

5. Hang with the trucks

Ever notice how, in bad traffic jams, cars seem to constantly speed up and slow down, while trucks tend to roll along at the same leisurely pace? A constant speed keeps shifting to a minimum -- important to those who have to wrangle with those ten-speed truck transmissions -- but it also aids economy, as it takes much more fuel to get a vehicle moving than it does to keep it moving. Rolling with the big rigs saves fuel (and aggravation).

6. Get back to nature

Consider shutting off the air conditioner, opening the windows and enjoying the breeze. It may be a tad warmer, but at lower speeds you'll save fuel. That said, at higher speeds the A/C may be more efficient than the wind resistance from open windows and sunroof. If I'm going someplace where arriving sweaty and smelly could be a problem, I bring an extra shirt and leave early so I'll have time for a quick change.

7. Back off the bling

New wheels and tires may look cool, and they can certainly improve handling. But if they are wider than the stock tires, chances are they'll create more rolling resistance and decrease fuel economy. If you upgrade your wheels and tires, keep the old ones. I have fancy sport rims and aggressive tires on my own car, but I keep the stock wheels with a good narrower-tread performance tire in the garage. For long road trips, the stock wheels give a smoother ride and better economy.

8. Clean out your car

If you're the type who takes a leisurely attitude towards car cleanliness -- and I definitely fall into that category -- periodically go through your car and see what can be tossed out or brought into the house. It doesn't take much to acquire an extra 40 or 50 lbs. of stuff, and the more weight your car has to lug around, the more fuel it burns.

9. Downsize

If you're shopping for a new car, it's time to re-evaluate how much car you really need. Smaller cars are inherently more fuel-efficient, and today's small cars are roomier than ever. Worried about crash protection? The automakers are designing their small cars to survive crashes with bigger vehicles, and safety features like side-curtain airbags and electronic stability control are becoming commonplace in smaller cars.

10. Don't drive

Not a popular thing to say on a car site, I know, but the fact is that if you can avoid driving, you'll save gas. Take the train, carpool, and consolidate your shopping trips. Walking or biking is good for your wallet and your health. And before you get in your car, always ask yourself: "Is this trip really necessary?"
Source:Aaron Gold,

11. Use Biodiesel Fuel

Using biodiesel is a good alternative to save your money on gas. It can save you up to 30% or more and environmental friendly. And even you can make your own biodiesel to freed you from gas prices framed by big companies tyrant. One of references you can learn how to make your own biodiesel is Biodiesel at Home.

12. Use Better Fuel Injection

Many exciting technologies exist today for increasing the fuel efficiency of internal combustion engines. You can choose some gas savers that really work, thus saving you money, increasing the performance of your car, and making your car more environmentally friendly. One of this kind of product I know is EFIE (Electronic Fuel Injection Enhancment) devices.

13. Use Water as Fuel

Most cars on the road today can burn hydrogen with little or no modification. Any driver can use easy downloadable conversion plans showing exactly how to use electricity from their car's battery to separate water into a gas called HHO (which is simply 2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen). HHO is also referred to as Brown's Gas or Hydroxy and it burns significantly more smoothly and provides unmatched energy. The end product is plain old water (H20). And thanks to our conversion plans, the technology to run a water burning hybrid is easy and affordable. You can see my referece at Run Your Car On Water here.

Do you have other tips on saving fuel? Please share them with us. Give your comments below.

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