Showing posts with label Save Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Save Energy. Show all posts

Now You Can Build The Legendary Orgone Energy Motor

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

DR. Wilhelm Reich
Two years ago, in Topeka, Kansas, the first and perhaps only, surviving blueprints for the Orgone Energy Motor were discovered in the attic of a man who, on his deathbed, claimed that he was Willhelm Reich’s “mystery” assistant the one who had disappeared in the winter of ’48 and after a protracted negotiation with this man’s estate and payment to the family that was too much to disclose, although we will say it was more than 6 figures, we were able to finally get our hands on Reich’s Blueprints and build the legendary motor that the ruling elite thought they had forever destroyed.

You can build a 100% free energy running in perpetuity and freeing the masses from paying electrical bill.

The facts are:

It works. ​Beautifully. ​The computer we’re using to write this presentation is being powered by the motor this very moment So it is our office and the homes of our staff.  


It’s easy to put together. Shockingly so. All it takes are a few copper wires, a few pieces of wood, and a few other pieces that can be found at your local hardware store.  Even if you struggle to screw in a lightbulb, you’ll be able to make the device.


It’s cheap. You can be generating your energy, “almost” perpetually, for less than $100.


It’s scalable. Once you have the blueprints, you can quickly and easily create larger, and more powerful ones: 

  • You can power your house and get off the grid 100%.
  • You can have the energy companies start paying YOU, sending a check in the mail each month.

Is it any wonder people are going nuts about this device? 

As soon as you discover just how easy it is to build your own Orgone Energy Motor, you’ll kick yourself for not thinking of it before too but while the simple components needed to assemble your free energy device have been sitting all around you – on the shelves of the stores you drive by every day It took the mind of a truly “different” thinker to understand how to put them together.


​And once you've got the blueprints to build your very own motor, you’ll start enjoying instant savings of 50%, 70%, or more off your electric bill.  And without the insane $15,000+ investment of a sunlight-dependent solar panel.

Watch the VIDEO HERE to learn more.

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Bio fuels - Are they good?

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

As the term suggests, bio-fuels are fuels that are formed when biological matter decomposes. The bio-fuels are mostly derived from plants. Bio-fuels exist in all the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas.

Difference between bio-fuels and fossil fuels
Bio-fuels are different from fossil fuels in the following ways:
  • Fossil fuels take a million years to build whereas bio-fuels can be made extremely fast, in a matter of days.
  • Fossil fuels generate huge amounts of pollution. Bio-fuels are comparatively safer.
  • Bio-fuels are renewable sources of energy unlike fossil fuels.

Different types of bio-fuels
Bio-fuels have been categorized into four types: first generation, second generation, third generation, and fourth generation.

The first generation bio-fuels are derived from vegetable fats, starch, and sugar, which are in turn derived from food-crops. The first generation fuels are also derived from animal fats. Biogas, bio-diesel, and vegetable oil are some examples of this type of bio-fuels.

The second generation of bio-fuels is mainly derived from waste biomass, thus making it a more balanced option compared to the first-generation bio-fuels. Different kinds of alcohols and diesel generated from wood fall into the category of second generation bio-fuels.

The third generation comprises of bio-fuels derived from algae. Algae are farmed on large scales for creating these bio-fuels. The algae fuels are extremely environment-friendly as they can easily decompose into the soil without harming it.

The bio-fuels in the fourth generation are derived by a method in which micro-organisms are raised to work with carbon dioxide to generate fuel. 

Advantages of bio-fuels
Bio-fuels prove advantageous in the following ways:
  • Bio-fuels lessen the burden on gradually-vanishing fossil fuels.
  • Bio-fuels are environment-friendly. They help reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
  • Bio-fuels, especially, bio-diesel prove to be very cost-effective for consumers.

Disadvantages of bio-fuels
Bio-fuels are not bereft of criticism. Though beneficial for the environment, bio-fuels have its disadvantages, paradoxically in the environmental purview. Bio-fuels have received criticism for many reasons, a couple of which are stated below:
  • Economists have long debated on the usefulness of first generation bio-fuels when compared to the lack of food they cause. Generating fuel from food crops makes food crops unworthy of human consumption. Some people believe that being a higher priority than fuel, food should not be farmed for making fuels but for human consumption.
  • Making bio-fuels require acres of farming land, thus encroaching upon the natural habitat of plants and animals.

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

Reduce energy usage

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

The most difficult day of every month is when time comes to pay bills and mostly the enormous electricity bills that we get. It’s high time and we need to take serious measures to reduce the power bill. Do not worry. We will share some key tips and will make you reach your goal.

Make sure to discuss with family member about the importance of saving electricity. You can reward them a treat if their participation has led to savings. Suggest them some tips like switching of the lights when they are not present there and attending a call in another room or having dinner at the dining table. Make sure to switch off all the appliances even if you are sure to be back in five minutes. Yes, that will help a lot. Every drop of water makes an ocean.

We may prefer to switch off the television set or turn off the fan, but not the tube light. We need light at the time of night but see that the usage is required in all the rooms or not. Taking care of such these small precautions will surely leads us to savings in the long run by reducing the bills of the power demon.

One should plan to invest smartly on power. Replace all the incandescent bulbs present in the house with compact fluorescent light or those CFL bulbs. These bulbs consume less electricity as they consume less power.

Buy the energy saver gadgets that are available in the market. Such gadgets will monitor the intake of the entire power supply in your house and makes you take decision on how to control the usage.

Most of us assume on the fact that the rise in electricity bill is due to the vast number of electrical items present at home. But the truth is that the electricity bill is not directly connected or affected due to the number of gadgets, but by the way one uses them.

Take a step forward to avoid using those typical items regularly that consumes lot of power -

• The washing machine should be used only when there is a bucket full of clothes.
• The geyser should not be kept on for maximum amount of time.
• The air-conditioner should be kept at minimum high or low temperature.
• Take note to switch off the computer monitor when not in use. It consumes maximum power and it just takes a second to switch it again.

Lastly we suggest that for reducing the electricity bill by taking benefit of reading the energy saving guide like Earth4Energy that has some of the best solutions to generate energy at home and providing free electricity to some of your home appliances. In this way we can save power that is facing a huge shortage because of the large demand in the global countries. Try to reduce the requirement of those electrical wires and sockets for home and use the renewable energy extracted from natural resources like wind, sun, tides at a lesser price but having a long term returns.

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

Go Green In Your Home - And Save Money Too

brought to you by How can We Save Energy  

If you want to go green in your home, and save a little money at the same time, it's never been easier.

As the planet faces an uncertain future of global warming, which is believed to be the result of us all burning fossil fuels indiscriminately, we all have a duty to do the best we can to redress the balance. Here are some vital tips to help you get started...

Your home is where you spend a lot of your income, so it makes sense to be spending it as efficiently as possible. You can start to go green in your home by insulating the house. Loft insulation, wall cavity insulation, double or even triple glazing - it will all make a tremendous difference. Yes, there is an investment to consider, but you will save in the long term, and save a lot too.

We all use too much water. Go green in the home by cutting back as much as you can. We could all, collectively, save one billion gallons of water a year by changing our old flush toilet cisterns. The old ones use three and a half gallons per flush and the new high-efficiency ones use just over one and a quarter gallon. It makes a big difference! If you did only this to go green in the home you would save 20,000 gallons of water every year, and pay a lot less in water bills.

The standard light bulbs that most homes have are very inefficient. Compact fluorescent light bulbs burn around 5% of the old bulbs and they last 10 times longer. They may cost slightly more to buy initially, but this is an obvious way to go green in the home and save a bundle in the long run. But you can do even better, The new LED lights are almost twice as efficient as even the compact fluorescent light bulbs, and they will last even longer too.

Heat leaks out of a house in winter and into the house in summer. Better insulation all round is a great way to go green in the home. Look at your loft, your wall cavities, your windows and your doors. Sort out all of these and you can go green in the home and really save too.

Home utilities are a drain on energy. Did you know that modern washing powders are so good that they don't really need hot water? your washing machine uses most of its energy heating the water, so wash your clothes cold. They will clean great while you go green in the home.

You may think your dishwasher is also an energy drain, Strangely, it isn't. If you use it fully filled it uses less resources than if you wash by hand.
Once you know these little tips and tricks, it's easy to go green in the home!
For more great tips on how to go green and how to save money by going green, check out Going Green & Saving Green you can find online.

  brought to you by How can We Save Energy