Showing posts with label Alternative Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alternative Energy. Show all posts

The Forgotten Story of a Free Energy Genius – Paul Pantone.

There have been half a dozen working water-powered cars since the early 1800s. 
But back then Big Oil and Big Energy didn’t exist so nobody gave a crap.

When these Fat Cats took over the power, the simple powerful proven secrets behind this hydrogen-water engine got locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

There are many more unsung energy heroes, courageous inventors who risked everything, that were threatened, slimed, ruined, discredited or even killed by these Big Corporations, because they fought for your energy freedom.

The Paul Pantone story could end up in tragedy for him. Instead, when he saw what he was up against, he wisely made sure his secrets are well hidden and his dream will live on, by perfecting his water-powered generator in secret.

Before he died Paul Pantone, made sure that his secrets were kept hidden, guarded by people he trusted. His secret is about Water-Power Generator.

The shock will hit you hard when you will learn the simple truth about the water-power generator and car. The same fueled generator can be used to run a motorcycle, a speedboat, even an entire house.

Here is the story:

In 1942, Henry Wallace, the Vice President of the United States, saw Pantone run a car on water power.

Right after the Wallace demonstration, the President of Bolivia witnessed the live proof as well.

They both told Pantone that he was invited to the Military Intelligence of the United States with his revolutionary invention.

He was invited to see Chief Military Intelligence Service of the United States War Department.

At that time, it was believed that the generator might be helpful to the U.S. war efforts.

In April of that year, Mr. Pantone successfully demonstrated his generator to the Bureau of Standards in Washington DC and applied for a U.S. patent. 

But, because there was a war going on, all U.S. patents had to be sealed for one year. 

After the year was up, Pantone received a letter from the patent office stating that because of the high cost of aluminum and magnesium (the two metals used in his invention) that his patent was impractical.

His patent attorney, after several letters to the patent office, also advised him to shelve his patent until a later date, as petroleum was still believed plentiful and cheap. 

In the 1970 ´s, when air pollution and oil shortage became a problem, Pantone "un-shelved" his generator believing that the time was finally right. 

He secured a U.S. patent and a few years later, he received patents from Germany, Brazil and Japan. 

Fresh from his success with the patent process, Pantone believed he was just a few short steps away from changing the world!

The naive and overly trusting inventor was eager to make history. After all, Pantone had been more than patient. 

In February of 1974, with the hopes of acquiring government backing and support, Pantone demonstrated his water fuel cell to Congressman Robert Roe. 

Mr. Roe seemed impressed and said that he would bring it to the attention of Washington officials. 

Upon leaving, Mr. Pantone invited the congressman to another demonstration he had planned later that year at Point Pleasant, New Jersey.

Congressman Roe was invited to take part in a history making voyage; the first power boat ride fueled by seawater. 

Many newspapers were invited as well. 

Congressman Roe did not show up and neither did many newspapers. Mr. Pantone never heard from the Congressman again about his invention or the promise to bring it to the attention of appropriate Washington officials, but his voyage was a success. 

History was made on July 17th, 1974 when a 26 foot power boat ran for nine hours using the Pantone generator and seawater for fuel, putting back into the oceans its waste, only clean water. 

Pantone also had his invention analyzed by independent experts. The Pantone generator passed all tests at the New Jersey Gollob Analytical Service Corporation Labs in September of 1973, and in 1979.

Nan Waters, a consulting chemist with the Aesop Institute analyzed the generator and wrote the following report: 

"I have read the literature relating to Pantone´s hydrogen generator. In my opinion, there is no reason why it would not to work as described.” 

Basically, he has combined in one device three very simple chemical principles; 

a) The use of active metals to produce hydrogen from water, 

b) The differing electrical potential of two metals to produce an electrical current, 

c) The use of electrical current to produce hydrogen from water by electrolysis. 

All the ideas are well known; they simply haven´t been put together this way before. It is so simple and elegant. " 

In other words, IT WORKED!  

Like many other brilliant, blindly optimistic and sadly unrealistic inventors before and after him, next Pantone tried to get Big Oil, the automobile industry arm of that ugly global octopus -- interested in his invention. 

However, despite overwhelming evidence that it worked, he was again confronted with skepticism or ignored.

He contacted energy companies and one such company, Consolidated Edison, sent a research chemist to see the generator in action. 

The chemist was enthusiastic about the invention but when he took it back to his company, he told Mr. Pantone later, his company had no interest. 

He sent details of his invention to all the major oil companies. 

The response was either cool or nonexistent. 

One oil company returned all papers to him in an unmarked envelope and then after a two hour meeting with him, a representative told him, "We are in the oil business. Your invention, if we were to develop it, would be against our interests."

Reading between the lines, Big Oil was admitting that Pantone’s invention would put them out of business! 

In 1977, Pantone used his generator to provide all the power for his neighbor's new house. The New Jersey Commissioner of Energy and their staff saw the demonstration but did nothing about it. 

Blocked by Big Oil...and getting nowhere with government and the energy industry, Pantone now turned to the news and entertainment media. 

​​In 1980, it seemed like Pantone's prayers had been answered. 

The popular CBS TV news program "60 Minutes" called him. 

They said they were impressed by his demonstrations and wanted to do a whole show about his water powered generator. 

The camera crew arrived on schedule and videotaped everything. All went well with the live demonstrations of powering a hydrogen burner, operating an electric motor, filling a balloon with gas and running a torch that burned through ¾ thick steel plate with his water fuel hydrogen generator. 

​For the finale, Pantone was going to run a lawnmower on water. 

Embarrassed by his old funky lawnmower, he had gone out and bought a shiny brand new one. 

Unfortunately, he did not have time to test it. 

When he ran it for the live demonstration in front of the "60 Minutes" cameras, the brand new lawnmower choked and died. 

The 60 Minutes crew reassured Pantone and told him not to worry. 

They said they had enough footage of the successful demonstrations to complete a program. 

When the "60 Minutes" show finally aired, Pantone was devastated. 

The ONLY part of the impressive demonstration that they included was the failed lawnmower. They claimed his invention was a fraud! 

Big Oil owns Big Media, too. They made sure that Pantone’s moment of fame went up in flames. 

They succeeded. After their deceptive media smear campaign, Pantone was at first devastated by this betrayal. 

However, his belief system that motivated his research for 50 years, despite the obstacles and frustrations experienced along the way, kept him focused. 

In 1986, he wrote to the Department of Energy about his generator, addressing each of their points with technical data on his system, showing them that the system he developed would overcome the obstacles they described. 

His detailed response was ignored. 

After a lifetime of effort to help the world, he remains firm in his convictions. He humbly but strongly believes in the words of an old wise man who once told him, "SON, God put on your shoulders something very big. Do not ask yourself, why me? Think why not me?" 

Pantone labored in obscurity until he died a sad quiet forgotten death forgotten, that is, until now.

Why now? 

It turns out that Pantone's grandson holds the patent rights to the Pantone Generator and the blueprints.

He's kept them closely guarded and safe from harm, a valuable family legacy. The plans are intact. They are ready to power your car right now!

Click HERE to find out how you can run your car with water.

Source: - Todd Harper

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The Components of Your Solar Power Solution

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When beginning a solar energy DIY home conversions project, one question many people have before they start is: What will I need to complete the conversion?

Of course before you start with anything, you should get a good DIY solar guide, and you’ll be walked step by step through the process of setting up your solar energy solution. Aside from that though, let’s cover the basics of what you’ll need to go solar! 

There are 7 main components you’ll need when wiring up a solar energy solution for your home. It should be noted here that we’re talking about converting a home, and not just creating portable solar energy solution (in which case you’ll only need 4 components). 

Convert Your Home Today: 
Before you install your home energy solution, you’ll need the following components. 
These are listed in the order they will be wired into your solar energy system. 

1. Solar Panels – In most DIY applications these will be built by you. You order discount photovoltaic cells, and assemble those into 50W, 75W, or 100W Panels. 

 2. Array DC Disconnect – This simple device is basically just a switch. It allows you to cut the DC power from your solar panels should system maintenance be required. If you shop around you’ll likely pay less than $25 for this component. 

 3. Charge Controller – Most home systems will be built with a battery backup. The charge controller ensures that a consistent amount of power is sent to the batteries, and that the batteries don’t discharge at night. Again, if you shop around for this component, it won’t be a large expense.    

4. Deep Cycle Batteries – To store the power from your solar panels, you will need deep cycle batteries. If you find reconditioned batteries, these can be obtained for fairly cheap. Better yet, you can get old batteries for free and recondition them yourself. 

5. System Meter – This component is actually optional, but it is suggested so that you have a clear way to see how much power is being fed into your home from the solar panels. 

6. Converter – Since your solar panels produce DC power, and your home runs on AC power, the converter makes the solar energy usable by your home. A 1500W converter likely won’t cost you more than $50. 

7. Backup Power – Most systems will also include some sort of backup power. In an off grid application this would generally be a generator. In a city or town, the power grid itself provides the backup. 

 From there the system gets wired into your home breaker box. At this stage, unless you are qualified, you might consider getting a qualified electrician to install the system. At any rate, you now have an idea of what will be needed to get your home running on solar energy. 

If you haven’t done so yet, you should also consider downloading a copy of one of the top guides to teach solar panel DIY. 

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Using Wind Turbines to Power Your Home

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The first thing to look at, before you ever consider converting to wind power, is the area where you live. A windmill solution obviously requires wind. More specifically you want wind speeds that exceed 8MPH on average. Even 8MPH is considered a low-wind-speed area for wind turbines. 12MPH average is ideal.

To start, take the time to look at the wind speed charts that fit your area:

 If You Live in the USA:

If You Live in Canada:

If You Live in the UK or Europe:            

If you live in Australia:

Assuming that the average wind speed in your area is above 8MPH, then continue on to the other considerations listed below. If you don’t live in a suitable area, then you should consider a solar power conversion instead.

Convert Your Home Today:
product complete

Wind Turbine Considerations
Once you’ve determined that wind power is suitable for your area there are a few other things you need to consider.  Really this is just about asking some questions and then answering them. Taking the time to do so will ensure you choose a wind power system that fits. Especially if you are planning to live off the grid, you should take the time to answer these questions before you start.

Your Power Needs

The first thing that needs to be considered is your power needs. Are you simply looking to reduce your power bill with a single small windmill? Or, will you want to power your entire home?
If you’re looking to power your whole home, you should take the time to calculate your actual power requirements. If you take the time to download Earth 4 Energy, their guide comes with a calculator and instructions on how to do this (you’ll need this guide anyway).

Storing Power from Wind Turbines
From the answer to your first question you then need to consider building a storage system for your wind turbine. A simple array of batteries can be designed to store as little or as much power as needed.

If you’re only building a small wind power solution to reduce your power bills then this is likely less of a concern.

On the other hand if you’re looking to live off the grid, you will need to consider energy storage. You should use your calculation for your power needs to design this part of your system. Take into consideration how much power you will need to store and for how long.

If you have weeks where there is less wind than usual, ensure that you have a large enough battery array to compensate (or better yet work to reduce you energy needs by using high efficiency bulbs and appliances).

Having a Backup Plan
Finally, for those who plan to live entirely off the grid, you should consider your backup plan. For most of us consistent power is a requirement. Ensure that you design your wind turbine solution with a backup plan. Generally a small gas generator is enough to ensure you have power if something goes wrong.

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Windmill Blades – Make them or Buy Them?

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So you’ve decided to build your own windmill. Possibly you took the right steps and purchased one of the top guides that teach the subject. Or maybe you’re more daring and trying to do it without professionally written instruction. In either case one area where many people get stuck is when it comes time to create their windmill blades.

Really when you get to this step you have two separate options:

   1. Build them yourself – Obviously this is the least expensive route
   2. Buy Premade Windmill Blades – Costs more but is a lot less work

From that I wanted to take some time to talk about the advantages/disadvantages of going either way. In reality if you put a value to your time, by the time you finish building the wind turbine blades yourself, the cost is close to equal. On the other hand, if you’re cheap like me, it might be that you’d rather do it yourself and save the money. In either case there are advantages to going either way.

Buying Your Windmill Blades

First let’s cover the advantages of buying your blades. In this case they are really quite obvious.

   1. The blades are professionally made
   2. More varieties of materials you can buy your blades in
   3. Less concern about getting the correct shape to catch the wind.

Of course there are also disadvantages to buying windmill blades instead of making them yourself. First, it becomes more difficult to tailor your blades to the generator you selected/created for your DIY windmill. And then, of course, there is the cost involved.
Machined blades can run you as much as $1,000 or more. To offset that cost, you may want to check eBay. Often you can find premade blades there, in diameters of 4’ to 6’, for around $100.
Making Your Own Windmill Blades

While there are advantages to buying your windmill blades, there are also some big advantages to building them yourself.

   1. The blades are created with your actual windmill design in mind.
   2. You save your money, and your home power system will cost less.
   3. You get to choose the style of turbine blade to fit your area. Especially in low wind speed areas, this is important.
   4. You get the satisfaction of telling everyone – you did it!

If you do choose to build your own windmill blades, I suggest you take the time to learn about the top three wind power conversion guides. With our top pick specifically, they recently added a video that teaches that exact topic.
In any case, be sure to take the time to design your blades to fit your application. Taking the time to do so will ensure your wind mill operates trouble-free for years to come!

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Alternative Renewable Energy Source

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This energy source is the most famous technique from our days. There is a new enthusiasm over an incomplete battle with radiant Nicola Tesla's energy. This radiant energy is a brand new competitor in this commerce that is actually on the rise. In this article we are going to evaluate if this radiant energy is capable to generate sufficient electricity for our energy supplies. 

We are going to discuss also about how we can tap this radiant energy and how will this power up our homes. Why is this energy source so important and how does it vary from solar and wind force? Here is the answer for this question. This solar energy production is done through a collection of solar panel cells that will convert the sunlight into electrical energy.

Wind force is produced from the power of the wind that will rotate the turbine generator blades or a wind rotor generator. Radiant energy obtains its force from electromagnetic waves. This wave is actually undetectable in the naked eye. It is as well recognized as energy from the space. These electromagnetic waves are most of the times all around us. 

This energy could come up from the sun's emissions or from the soil. At present, there are many homes making use of the solar power to generate the electricity, as well as that technology develops, the prices reduce & use as well as approaches to the alternative energy sources (like implementing solar energy plans in new and current build), will become realistic option for the people who would like to save some money, decrease carbon emissions & use clean green source of the power.

One more choice energy source that comes from the wind energy that is as well increasingly to be used by people that are worried about decline in the fossil fuels as well as rise in the domestic utility bills. Currently there is increased demand for installation of the wind energy systems to give greener, and cleaner living. Contrary to the famous belief, and wind doesn’t need to constantly blow for power homes with the wind energy. Like with the solar energy, huge benefit of the wind power is wind is clean, green as well as you may make that in your back garden. And out of all renewable energy resources that are accessible, wind power has best potential for development and growth.

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Alternative Energy Resources 2

Cut Energy Waste To The Bone, Go Green, And Lower Your Utility Bills By Up To 50%. Learn How To Apply Advanced Conservation Methods And Products To Your Existing Home. Makes Solar, Wind, And Other Renewable Energy Systems Cost Half As Much!

Recurring Monthly Commissions! Diy Solar Guide + Membership

Brand New Free Energy Product That Generates Free Energy From Radiant Energy (not Magnet Energy) ~ This Is A 100% New Energy Niche 

German Version Of The Industry Leader With Top Quality Diy Guide & Videos Now Available

Green Power Easy Is The Easiest Guide To Solar And Wind Energy On The Planet. Convert Your Entire Home To Green Power, And Eliminate Your Power Bill!

Top Quality How-to Guide On Building Solar Air Heaters

Convert Gas Car To Electric

Brand New *electric Car Conversion Product* 

Save On Home Energy

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Slash Your Home Energy Costs Without Adding A Single Watt of Extra Energy Or Compromising Your Lifestyle.       - by Peter Lindemann

© Peter Lindemann - All Rights reserved

It is becoming a popular craze these days to generate your own energy to cut your power bills.

Solar, wind, and other sources can supplement your energy supply in whole or in part. But, wouldn't it be great if you were able to do something that would allow you to get the same
amount of benefit for a fraction of the cost or time required to install these other energy sources?

Of course you would! For example, it may cost you $10,000 for a certain amount of solar equipment to give you a certain amount of benefit. But what if you were able to get the same benefit for $1000?

This is the question that many people are asking because everyone is programmed to believe that turning down the thermostat so that you freeze in your own home and throwing a thin little bit of insulation around your water heater are the smart things to do!

Most people are also becoming programmed to believe that making your own electricity at home is also the answer. But I'm not interested in anything that takes a lot of time, money or effort.

If you want to know what the power companies, the green builders, and other so-called green thinkers aren't telling you wouldn't that be worth a few minutes of your time to find out?

Check it out here: Save On Home Energy 

Join the growing number of people who are Saving on Home Energy costs right now.

Peter Lindemann


Peter Lindemann has been educating thousands of people over the years in various renewable energy technologies and sciences. He also has the #1 searched website on Free Energy in the world.                                           Save On Home Energy 


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Declare Independence and Build Solar Panels

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Say goodbye to electric bills and hello to renewable energies. Solar power is one of the best and most reliable renewable energy sources available. The problem most novice environmental warriors find is that the cost of professionally installed solar power systems is way beyond their budget and it could take well over 10 years to see a return on their investment. Never fear, there are alternatives. The most cost-effective way to take advantage of the power of the sun is to build solar panels on your own.

Sound like too much? If you are scared it would be difficult, it is just not true. It is easy to build solar panels with the proper instructions. Easy enough for kids, teens and adults. The parts aren’t complicated either. Most of the supplies you would need to build solar panels are available at your local hardware store or you can purchase a solar panel kit, which will include all the parts you require to be generating your own energy from the sun. It is possible to construct several small solar panels to power small appliances or small tools in your workshop. Or for the very adventurous and determined alternative energy seeker, you could build solar panels to service a much larger electric load.

Say goodbye to electric bills and hello to renewable energies. Solar power is one of the best and most reliable renewable energy sources available. The problem most novice environmental warriors find is that the cost of professionally installed solar power systems is way beyond their budget and it could take well over 10 years to see a return on their investment. Never fear, there are alternatives. The most cost-effective way to take advantage of the power of the sun is to build solar panels on your own.

Sound like too much? If you are scared it would be difficult, it is just not true. It is easy to build solar panels with the proper instructions. Easy enough for kids, teens and adults. The parts aren’t complicated either. Most of the supplies you would need to build solar panels are available at your local hardware store or you can purchase a solar panel kit, which will include all the parts you require to be generating your own energy from the sun. It is possible to construct several small solar panels to power small appliances or small tools in your workshop. Or for the very adventurous and determined alternative energy seeker, you could build solar panels to service a much larger electric load.

There are many resources and guides available with detailed instructions on how to build solar panels. The first and most important step is to seek out quality detailed instructions. Then it is off to your local hardware store to find or order your supplies and next thing you know, or the next time you have some free time, you will be able to assemble and install the system yourself. Watch out though, the neighbors may start asking you to build solar panels for them too.

Not only is it going to save you money to build solar panels yourself, but you can feel proud that you are doing your part for the environment as well. Declaring your independence from fossil fuels and making a much-needed impact on the world and in your neighborhood.

Professional solar power systems can cost thousands to be installed and in today’s economy most of us don’t have money to spare. 

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Nikola Tesla's biggest secret

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Dear Readers,

They tried to ban him from the history books... yet he's responsible for the biggest breakthroughs in electricity of the 20th century.

I'm talking about Nikola Tesla - the man who discovered Alternative Current and revolutionized modern physics.

Few people know it, but Nikola Tesla had a very big dream. He wanted to bring free electricity into every single home.

And for a moment... he succeeded!

Tesla came up with a clever (and stunningly simple) way to harness the cosmic radiation of the sun (but not "solar power" as you know it) and turn it into free

But mere days after he made his invention public, Big Energy turned off the money tap... and Tesla was unable to pursue his dream. What's more,minutes after his death, most of his important blueprints "vanished"... never to bee seen again for nearly 90 years!

I'm very excited to announce this... because it's a piece of news that could change our lives forever!

Apparently, some of the original Tesla blueprints were leaked from government files... ending up in the hands of a crack team of "underground" scientists.

It gets better: these white coats didn't keep Tesla's invention for themselves... instead, they've decided to blow the whistle, so that anyone can benefit from it!

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You Can Build Your Own Solar Panel

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With energy resources dwindling fast and global warming changing climates across the globe, more people look towards renewable energies for reducing their carbon footprint. However, even the most environmentally passionate person cannot pursue such endeavors without the proper financial resources. The professional installation of a solar energy system can cost in the thousands, so many resourceful individuals are turning to the many great resources that help you build your own solar panel.

It is possible to completely build your own solar panel, but for the most part, these panels are small and do not produce the wattage necessary to power more than a simple lamp and only for a couple of minutes. The most effective way to produce power from the sun, when you can’t afford to hire the professionals, would be with a solar panel kit. These build your own solar panel kits come with everything you need to successfully build your own solar panel in the comfort of your living room, or the garage may be a wiser choice.

Surprisingly, build your own solar panel kits are not difficult to find. With large companies like GE producing these kits, the build your own solar panel sets are very affordable and offer quicker return on your investment than purchasing and professionally installing a solar energy system. In general the instructions are easy to follow, even for teens and children, and in no time you are on your way to your own solar power system.

If you are looking to build your own solar panel there are a numerous resources and guides available to help you through the process. By involving the whole family in the building process, every one will learn how a solar power system works and exactly how the components are put together. Also, when you build your own solar panel you are giving yourself the knowledge to expand your system on your own, without calling back the installers, and the ability to adapt your current system to meet new design needs.

Making the choice to build your own solar panel is a great investment for your future and the world’s future. Start making your own power at home and take advantage of this great way to educate yourself while saving money and helping the environment and learn how to build your own solar panel today.

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