Showing posts with label Off Grid Guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Off Grid Guide. Show all posts

25 Essential DIY Projects for Self-Sufficient Living

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

It could be the easiest, cheapest, most disaster-resistant way to get off grid...

...with your own electricity, water, food, and more. Made entirely at home.

This book is a guide for anyone concerned about their wellbeing. But in the end, it became something more...

That's because if you apply this knowledge today, it will will forever be your one step shortcut to a safe, more independent, and self-sufficient lifestyle.

Here's Just A Glimpse of What You'll Find in this 'Survival Sanctuary' book:

Packed full of beginner-friendly DIYs to support your self-reliance. 

Made from easily salvaged, simple to assemble parts. 

No special tools needed. 

Showing you: 

how to build a root cellar or bunker from scratch; assemble a wind turbine from junk, passively collect, store and purify hundreds of gallons of fresh water; set up a low-space, high-yield farm, and even build a radio from scrap, like pencils and paperclips.

Freely Pump Gallons of Water Around Your Home Without Electricity:

Featuring highly detailed illustrations and step-by-step instructions on how to:

  • Dig Your Own Water Well...
    For limitless free water that could cut your bills by as much as 90% overnight.
  • How to Secretly Stash Hundreds of Gallons of Water
    Invisible, even from Uncle Sam!
  • Make (Almost) Any Water Source Safe to Drink
    Thanks to a unique, chemical-free filter made from common items found in most yards.
  • Passively Collect & Store Free Rainwater
    Using a simple trick that could slash your bills by as much as $500 and save your skin in a crisis

How to Install Solar Panels
in 5 Easy Steps:

Lower your bills and protect yourself from blackouts with homemade energy:

  • How to DIY A Low-cost Wind Turbine
    That needs only a gentle breeze to output 100 watts. Or charge batteries non-stop.
  • Build A Fuel Generator from Improvised from Car Parts
    One that can fit almost any fuel type. Even in an OPEC-like oil fuel crisis.
  • A Water Wheel That Powers Homes 24/7
    Perfect for when there's no sun, wind, or other energy sources available.

Feed Your Family with These 4
Low-space Food Projects

Giving you the ultimate low-space (huge yield) garden. Even if you're a total gardening dunce. Including...

  • Tiny-space Plans for an Indoor Vertical Farm
    The most efficient way to get stacks of free food. Even in a city apartment. No bending or stretching needed. In fact, there's no fertilizer either!
  • The "Lazy Gardener's" Square-foot Garden
    Great for companion planting. Where every crop helps to keep the others pest-free and healthy for maximum harvest size with minimal "work".
  • An Underground (Walipini) Greenhouse
    That grows summer fruits and veg, even in winter. Without the fragility, theft worries and maintenance pain of your typical greenhouse.
  • How to Create a (Low Water) Wicking Bed
    That only needs watering every 2-3 weeks. Using 50% less H2O than a conventional garden. Perfect for dry states like Texas, California, and more.

How to Make a Food Stockpile That
Never (Ever!) Spoils

Without unreliable refrigeration, tasteless MREs, or forcing you to rebuild your supply every few weeks to avoid spoilage. AND without spilling onto every unused surface of your home like some embarrassing hoarder. Including...

  • How to Build A Solar Dehydrator
    Which uses the free power of the sun to safely preserve vegetables and meat for years.
  • Stock Food the Traditional Way with A Root Cellar
    That also doubles as an underground bunker. Perfect for stormy times. Without the dangers of re-freezing or thawing that could make food unsafe.
  • How to Build Your Own DIY Freeze-drier
    That can safely preserve food for up to 25 years. While also shrinking it. Making it easier to store.
  • And More...

There are just so many great projects to choose from.

You can have this 'Survival Sanctuary' book HERE.

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy