Showing posts with label DIY Easy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY Easy. Show all posts

Smart Solar Box That Can Change Your Life and Cut Your Bill

This ingenious solution can work anywhere to power everything from small radios... to big refrigerators, big screen TVs, computers or even houses...

We are talking about Smart Solar Box.

It's perfect to use in any situation... especially in disaster situations when all the energy lines are down and you need electricity for preserving the food in refrigerator... and for cooking and light.

It won't take half the yard to assemble... Only a couple of sq ft... and you can just fold the panels and put them in the garage whenever you want... but it's so powerful that it can reduce your entire electricity bill by 68% instantly... even if now you're paying $250 a month.

... and you can find parts for it anywhere at any local shop or online...
Not only that... but the batteries don't have to be new. You can use used batteries from a garage sale for mere pennies and used those instead.

There's a catch... DIY guides for solar panels are all over the internet... But if you follow those instructions you're looking at $2000 minimum investment. And that's a lot of money. But no one will teach you how to make this work for under $200... Not because they don't want to... but because they just don't know.

The idea is from the most common battery we all use... it can be lasts 5-8 years and is recharged thousands of times... no matter how cold or hot it gets outside...

Car Battery

It's simple... you can find used ones everywhere... In fact... you may have a couple yourself laying around the garage... It has easy maintenance... revives after total drain and has enough amps to weld iron.

And with a well tuned charge controller...

It will never let you down.

Two or three of these babies can boost any electricity source into 5 times more... instantly and apart from taking the panels out once in a while to charge them... they won't need any intervention...for a minimum of five years.

That means that if you gain 68% more electricity... you'll pay only 32% of how much you're paying today.

Here's the shocking proof that anyone can do it and have your own device installed at home:

The good news is that there's no danger whatsoever behind this system. Anyone can have their own money-saving device properly installed in less than 4 hours... and it can cut your electricity bill by 68% or more, starting today...

This ingenious system can be built for less than $200... and most of the components can be bought at any local shop, garage or online.

And if you're going to follow the videos that show you exactly how to build this amazing device... even your kid can build one by the end of the day.

You don't have to be an electrician.. . heck you don't even need energy knowledge.

Watch the Video HERE to know more about The "Smart Solar Box"

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

Build an Easy DIY Power Plan

The Easy DIY Power Plan is a step-by-step guide showing you EXACTLY how to create your own "home power plant" TODAY... cutting down by 60% or more your electric bill in the next 30 days...

As you know, this system was specifically designed so that ANYONE with one hand can build it – even if you have difficulty plugging your charger into a cell phone.

In fact, you'll be shocked by how few steps there actually are...

And how short the list of materials you need to build this is.

Inside this system, which you'll know how you can access in just a second...

You'll see exactly what those steps are, along with a full materials list that will help you build the system from start to finish.

Plus, because the files are something you can download to your computer, tablet, or smartphone...

You'll be able to follow them ANYWHERE, even if you decide to build your system down in the garage, or outside.

You'll also be given clear guides and written instructions detailing EXACTLY how to connect your system to any appliance…

All of the materials you need to build this will cost $106 TOTAL...

But, like mentioned before, you can probably find about 90% of those materials for FREE in your garage or at a junkyard.

Additionally, you're also going to be given a full list of tools and you’ll see exactly how to use each one to build the device so that you have an unlimited power supply inside your home.

Click HERE to learn more 

And on top of all of that...

The Easy DIY Power Plan is virtually maintenance free.

The generator will constantly produce the energy,

So there's no fire, no burning, no dangerous gasses being released...

And no intense mechanical processes that can breakdown.

Instead, you simply start the generator and enjoy a fully powered home.


brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

Make Your Own "Personal Power Plant"

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

  • If you want to make your own "personal power plant"... and have a perpetual source of cheap green electricity for anything heading our way.

  • If spending tens of thousands of dollars on a standard solar panel system is not your idea of saving money and being prepared...

  • if you want to be "energy independent"... without worrying you’re leaving the AC or the heater on for too long...

  • and if you've ever wanted a fun, simple way to build a virtually unlimited long-term power backup... almost on auto-pilot...

Then you need to build your own power plant with this easy step by step "Backyard Revolution" System.

You won't need the grid:

In a survival scenario, when the power is down, or a nationwide blackout sends us back into the stone age... rendering 21st century technology obsolete... you'll be safe and sound in your own cozy home, still enjoying a good movie with your loved ones, cuddled up on the couch eating popcorn like it's a Friday night.

You won't need the space:

The "Backyard Revolution" system needs only 5% of the surface used in conventional solar panel systems. All because its ingenious vertical design! A lot of my friends have actually placed it on balconies... so you don't even need a backyard! Using less space means that it's easier to protect from looters... and also easier to keep it a secret from a nosy neighbor!

Plus: there's no maintenance required.

Just put the system in a sunny spot for a few hours a day for a full battery charge. Or you can just leave it in one place... forgetting about it for a whole year. Probably the only time you'll think about it will be once a month... when the mailman swings by to give you an even lighter electricity bill... filled with "best wishes" from your power company.

And the easy to use, no maintenance "Backyard Revolution" system can provide you with another huge advantage. It gives you crucial time to do more important things in a crisis. While others will be busy dumpster diving for food... your "miniature power plant" takes care of itself. You'll have more time to protect your family... to learn a valuable skill you can barter with... or to be the "Rick Grimes" of your community.

The "Backyard Revolution System is a disaster-proof, recession-proof, drought-proof "backyard power plant"... that will give you all the money saving comfort you and your family need and deserve.

It's a step by step, newbie friendly program that will take you by the hand... and turn the lights on in as little as 4 hours from now... so you can slash your power bill almost immediately, without investing thousands of dollars in overpriced monopoly controlled systems.

But most of all, it will give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, should anything happen... from a mere broken power line, to a nationwide blackout... or worse...

... your family won't be at the mercy of others!

The "Backyard Revolution" program is jam-packed with all the knowledge you need to have super-success with solar energy - not in years of trial & error, but in as little as a day!

To know more, watch the video HERE

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

How To Brings Any Battery Back To Life Again

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

Here is how you can bring old batteries back to life again with the EZ Battery Reconditioning Program.

This program teaches people how to recondition all types of old batteries and bring them back to 100% of their working condition again. This saves people money and has a wide appeal.

This is a product that truly helps people. And it’s a product you can feel proud that you’re learning because the EZ Battery Reconditioning program saves people money and helps the Earth (because it keeps batteries out of landfills).

Most people spend $15,000+ on batteries over their lifetime and this number continues to grow each day because people are using more and more batteries, and batteries continue to get more expensive. But you can learn here to reduce this huge cost because people can reuse old (reconditioned) batteries instead! You also learn all about proper battery maintenance so their new batteries last much longer.

So what’s in the program?...

It has step by step instructions that make reconditioning batteries easy for people.

It teach people how to recondition these batteries:

- Car batteries

- Computer and phone batteries

- Rechargeable batteries

- Long life batteries

- Batteries used in alternative energy systems

- Other types of lead-acid batteries

- Deep cycle marine batteries

- Golf cart batteries

- Forklift batteries

- And many other kinds of common batteries!

All of these reconditioning guides (for the batteries listed above) are conveniently located in the online members area. After a customer purchases the program, they get immediate access to the members area (we also send them their login username and pw to access these guides at a later date if they want to re-download them).

This program is also just a one-time payment and the customer gets free lifetime access to the guide and any updates they ever make.

It's obvious that Customers really love the product and the refund rate is quite low. They regularly get testimonials and they says that they take great pride in helping so many people.

Additionally, because people can now collect dead batteries from around their home or get them from the many places they show in the program (for free), they can have a nearly endless supply of free batteries because they can recondition and reuse these.

Another benefit of this program is that people will never be without important battery power when they need it most (like in a power outage) because they'll be able to bring an old or dead battery back to life if it happens to go out when they really need it (like in a storm).

As an added bonus, the customer also gets the "Battery Business Guide." This product teaches people how to get old batteries in bulk (for free at times), then how to recondition these batteries and sell them for large profits.

They also teach all kinds of different selling methods for these batteries, where to get old batteries, where to sell the batteries, who to sell them to, battery business ideas, and also how to set up a battery servicing business.

This bonus guide provides a lot of additional value to people and many customers making great income following this guide!

They also know that one of the best things they can do for their customers and the long term health of their product is to really treat their customers right. That is why they have a highly trained support staff that is always ready to help their customers with any order or technical questions they may have. This ongoing support comes with their purchase.   

Visit EZ Battery Reconditioning Program HERE.

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

25 Essential DIY Projects for Self-Sufficient Living

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

It could be the easiest, cheapest, most disaster-resistant way to get off grid...

...with your own electricity, water, food, and more. Made entirely at home.

This book is a guide for anyone concerned about their wellbeing. But in the end, it became something more...

That's because if you apply this knowledge today, it will will forever be your one step shortcut to a safe, more independent, and self-sufficient lifestyle.

Here's Just A Glimpse of What You'll Find in this 'Survival Sanctuary' book:

Packed full of beginner-friendly DIYs to support your self-reliance. 

Made from easily salvaged, simple to assemble parts. 

No special tools needed. 

Showing you: 

how to build a root cellar or bunker from scratch; assemble a wind turbine from junk, passively collect, store and purify hundreds of gallons of fresh water; set up a low-space, high-yield farm, and even build a radio from scrap, like pencils and paperclips.

Freely Pump Gallons of Water Around Your Home Without Electricity:

Featuring highly detailed illustrations and step-by-step instructions on how to:

  • Dig Your Own Water Well...
    For limitless free water that could cut your bills by as much as 90% overnight.
  • How to Secretly Stash Hundreds of Gallons of Water
    Invisible, even from Uncle Sam!
  • Make (Almost) Any Water Source Safe to Drink
    Thanks to a unique, chemical-free filter made from common items found in most yards.
  • Passively Collect & Store Free Rainwater
    Using a simple trick that could slash your bills by as much as $500 and save your skin in a crisis

How to Install Solar Panels
in 5 Easy Steps:

Lower your bills and protect yourself from blackouts with homemade energy:

  • How to DIY A Low-cost Wind Turbine
    That needs only a gentle breeze to output 100 watts. Or charge batteries non-stop.
  • Build A Fuel Generator from Improvised from Car Parts
    One that can fit almost any fuel type. Even in an OPEC-like oil fuel crisis.
  • A Water Wheel That Powers Homes 24/7
    Perfect for when there's no sun, wind, or other energy sources available.

Feed Your Family with These 4
Low-space Food Projects

Giving you the ultimate low-space (huge yield) garden. Even if you're a total gardening dunce. Including...

  • Tiny-space Plans for an Indoor Vertical Farm
    The most efficient way to get stacks of free food. Even in a city apartment. No bending or stretching needed. In fact, there's no fertilizer either!
  • The "Lazy Gardener's" Square-foot Garden
    Great for companion planting. Where every crop helps to keep the others pest-free and healthy for maximum harvest size with minimal "work".
  • An Underground (Walipini) Greenhouse
    That grows summer fruits and veg, even in winter. Without the fragility, theft worries and maintenance pain of your typical greenhouse.
  • How to Create a (Low Water) Wicking Bed
    That only needs watering every 2-3 weeks. Using 50% less H2O than a conventional garden. Perfect for dry states like Texas, California, and more.

How to Make a Food Stockpile That
Never (Ever!) Spoils

Without unreliable refrigeration, tasteless MREs, or forcing you to rebuild your supply every few weeks to avoid spoilage. AND without spilling onto every unused surface of your home like some embarrassing hoarder. Including...

  • How to Build A Solar Dehydrator
    Which uses the free power of the sun to safely preserve vegetables and meat for years.
  • Stock Food the Traditional Way with A Root Cellar
    That also doubles as an underground bunker. Perfect for stormy times. Without the dangers of re-freezing or thawing that could make food unsafe.
  • How to Build Your Own DIY Freeze-drier
    That can safely preserve food for up to 25 years. While also shrinking it. Making it easier to store.
  • And More...

There are just so many great projects to choose from.

You can have this 'Survival Sanctuary' book HERE.

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

8 Simple Tips To Prolong The Life Of Your Car’s Lead Acid Battery

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy

Tip 1: Do a monthly inspection of the battery terminals to make sure they are clean and corrosion free

Extend lifespan of a car batteryOne of the first problems most people have with their car battery is the build-up of corrosion around the terminals.

Corrosion destroys the connection between the battery and the vehicle and many batteries are replaced due to too much corrosive build up.

But often times, this can be easily treated by simply pouring a small amount of Cola or a DIY anti-corrosion paste (one part water to three parts baking soda) over the corroded areas.

The acid in the Cola or the alkaline properties in the DIY anti-corrosion paste will eat the corrosion away.

After the corrosion is gone, use a clean damp rag or sponge to clean up the remaining residue and moisture.

Be sure to let it dry, then rub some petroleum jelly on the terminals to prevent future corrosion.

*note: see our safety tips at the end of this article before disconnecting/re-connecting your battery.


Tip 2: Do not operate any car accessories (radio, lights, or electronics) before turning on the car ignition and driving the car

When the car is on, the car alternator generates electricity and charges the car battery after the battery has a voltage drop.

Leaving Car Lights On While Car is Off Drains The Car BatteryBut if the car is not on, and you are using the car’s electronics, you are just relying on the car battery to power those electronics.

This is detrimental to the car battery because car batteries are not meant for this type of use.

Instead, car batteries are meant to provide a sudden burst of power for ignition. They’re not made to provide prolonged power for electronics and other devices (that’s what a deep cycle lead acid battery would be for).

Using your car battery as a battery that powers electronics, instead of a battery that just gives you a burst of power for ignition, will damage the battery and greatly shorten it’s lifespan if it’s repeatedly used in this fashion.

So avoid operating any car accessories or electronics while the car is off.

Tip 3: Make sure the car battery is secure and has good battery cables

Prolong the life of car batteryThe battery has to be secured at all times. If a battery is jostling around it will be impaired and could short circuit.

This will ruin the battery – and even cause damage to your car while creating a safety risk.

The same could happen if you have bad battery cables (or they’re not connected properly). So check your cables and make sure they have a secure connection as well.

Tip 4: Insulate your car battery from extreme changes in temperature

Protecting your car battery from large changes in temperature will help maximize the battery’s lifespan.

To do this you can use a car battery insulation kit.

Car Battery Insulation KitNewer model cars already have these kits installed typically. But if your car doesn’t have one, you can easily install one yourself.

Just make sure it fits your car’s battery compartment. Generally the companies selling these battery insulation kits will have a form on their website where you can put in your car model and year, and it will tell you if your battery will fit their kit – like here (top of page).

These protective battery sleeves are usually made of plastic or an acid resistant, thermal resistant material.

These car battery insulation kits will insulate your battery and protect it while still allowing proper ventilation.


Tip 5: Fully charge your car battery at least once a week (use a car battery charger or interchange batteries if you have to)

Your car battery drains even when the car is off.

This happens because current is drawn from the battery by car accessories (radio, lights, etc.) or the car computers.

This is why people come home from long vacations and find their car battery dead.

But to prevent this, you can use either a car battery charger or a solar battery charger.

Car battery chargers (regular or solar) will maintain the optimum charge level of your car battery when the car is not in use.

They do this by providing enough power for the the car accessories and car computer, so they don’t continuously draw current from the car battery when the car is off.

As you can imagine, these chargers are very useful …especially if you go on a trip or leave your car unused for a while.

They’re also useful if you go on a lot of short car trips (like to work and back each day) and never give your battery a chance to fully recharge. Repeatedly doing this will dramatically shorten your battery’s life – unless you use a car battery charger or interchange batteries, leaving one at home to fully charge.

The most important thing to remember with this tip is …make sure you fully charge your car battery at least once a week because it will greatly increase the life of your battery. Do this with a charger, interchanging batteries …or just going on a car ride long enough to recharge the battery.


Checking Car Battery Water Level (1)Tip 6: Check your car battery’s water level

Most car batteries indicate if there is a need for water.

So check the car battery water level indicator regularly and if water is needed, refill the battery with distilled water (and that’s important, ONLY use distilled water to refill your car battery).

Tip 7: Do NOT overcharge your car battery

Never overcharge your car battery. Lead-acid batteries release oxygen and hydrogen gases when they’re overcharged.

This causes two problems:

  1. It can be explosive.
  2. It also breaks down the composition of the water in the battery – which shortens its lifespan.

Tip 8: Check your car’s alternator

If the car battery is not charging - check the car's alternatorIf you’re doing everything we’ve recommended in this article but your car batteries are still dying early, you’ll want to check your car’s alternator (or get a mechanic to check it).

If your alternator is bad it will results in ineffective recharging of your battery and dramatically shorten your battery’s lifespan.

What can you do if your battery dies?…

There’s actually a simple method that you can learn in the EZ Battery Reconditioning program that will bring a dead (or dying) 12v lead acid car battery back to life again.

It’s simple and quick…

Check it out HERE

brought to you by How Can We Save Energy