Showing posts with label Go Green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Go Green. Show all posts

Your Paper Towel is Poisoning Our Environment…

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

The paper towels that are sitting on the kitchen counter, in your washroom cabinet or even at your workplace may seem to be a normal necessity in your everyday life. But do you know that those very same paper towels you’re using regularly do a massive damage to you and to our environment?

To make one ton of paper towels…

17 Trees     +   20,000 Gallons Of Water  = Water for 40.000 people

To Make Matter Worse, Decomposing of Paper Towels Produce Methane Gas, A Leading Cause Of Global Warming!

Let's change with.....

Revolutionary Piece Of Fabric That Replaces Expensive Paper Towels And Toxic Chemical Cleaners.

Discover How This “Magical” Towel Cleans With Only Water, Replaces Expensive Paper Towels and Toxic Cleaners, and Can Help You Save Hundreds Of Dollars Per Year While Saving Our Environment.


Saves you money by ending your need of expensive paper towels



Captures liquid, dust, dirt and grime like a magnet, and without toxic chemicals.



Reduces your usage of paper towels that's damaging our environment



Cleans virtually anything with just water



Absorbs up to 10 ounces of liquid without a single drip



Made Nanolon Fiber, a unique and revolutionary fabric technology that is hundreds of times finer than one human Hair.

Get the NANO TOWEL here.

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Go Green And Save Money

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Everywhere you look these days it seems that the main message is, "go green and save money."

This is an appealing message for most people as we are constantly warned of the dire consequences of global warming out of control. People want to do their bit to help save the planet, and if they can save money at the same time, then it just obviously makes sense all round.

You can go green and save money just about anywhere.

Your home is probably the most obvious place to start, but you can also do wonders with your car, in the office, out shopping, traveling on vacation, and much more. The opportunities are almost endless; going green doesn't have to be more expensive, you can definitely go green and save money at the same time.

Your home probably leaks heat out during the winter and leaks heat in during the summer. For this reason most of us have winter heaters and summer air conditioning units. This should be the first place you investigate of how to go green and save money. Are all your windows tight? Are the door seals tight too? This is where heat can leak out and make your electricity bills soar.

If your house doesn't have good loft insulation, heat will pour out in winter and pour in during the summer. Insulation is one of the best ways to go green and save money. Your walls can have their cavities filled with insulating foam as well, all keeping the heat inside in winter and outside in summer for more comfortable living.

The water you use in the home is perhaps the easiest "go green and save money" source you have. Look for leaks first. Leaking faucets, even just the occasional drip, accounts for a lot of money wasted over time. You could waste as much as 140 gallons in a week!

Are your hot water pipes insulated? They should be if you aim to go green and save money. Insulated pipes let the hot water reach the faucets faster, thereby saving water, while you go green and save money too.

Low flow toilets are another way to save water. You don't need to flush gallons of water away every time, just what you need.

Edison was a genius, but his light bulb invention has been superceded by the new compact fluorescent light bulbs. These are bulbs that use a mere 25% of the energy that a traditional light bulb uses. They also last 10 times longer. 
Replace all your traditional bulbs for compact fluorescent light bulbs and instantly go green and save money!

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Go Green In Your Home - And Save Money Too

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If you want to go green in your home, and save a little money at the same time, it's never been easier.

As the planet faces an uncertain future of global warming, which is believed to be the result of us all burning fossil fuels indiscriminately, we all have a duty to do the best we can to redress the balance. Here are some vital tips to help you get started...

Your home is where you spend a lot of your income, so it makes sense to be spending it as efficiently as possible. You can start to go green in your home by insulating the house. Loft insulation, wall cavity insulation, double or even triple glazing - it will all make a tremendous difference. Yes, there is an investment to consider, but you will save in the long term, and save a lot too.

We all use too much water. Go green in the home by cutting back as much as you can. We could all, collectively, save one billion gallons of water a year by changing our old flush toilet cisterns. The old ones use three and a half gallons per flush and the new high-efficiency ones use just over one and a quarter gallon. It makes a big difference! If you did only this to go green in the home you would save 20,000 gallons of water every year, and pay a lot less in water bills.

The standard light bulbs that most homes have are very inefficient. Compact fluorescent light bulbs burn around 5% of the old bulbs and they last 10 times longer. They may cost slightly more to buy initially, but this is an obvious way to go green in the home and save a bundle in the long run. But you can do even better, The new LED lights are almost twice as efficient as even the compact fluorescent light bulbs, and they will last even longer too.

Heat leaks out of a house in winter and into the house in summer. Better insulation all round is a great way to go green in the home. Look at your loft, your wall cavities, your windows and your doors. Sort out all of these and you can go green in the home and really save too.

Home utilities are a drain on energy. Did you know that modern washing powders are so good that they don't really need hot water? your washing machine uses most of its energy heating the water, so wash your clothes cold. They will clean great while you go green in the home.

You may think your dishwasher is also an energy drain, Strangely, it isn't. If you use it fully filled it uses less resources than if you wash by hand.
Once you know these little tips and tricks, it's easy to go green in the home!
For more great tips on how to go green and how to save money by going green, check out Going Green & Saving Green you can find online.

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How To Go Green And Save Money Too - 7 Simple Tips

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At a time when the world faces increasing global warming, as more and more harmful greenhouse gases pour out into the atmosphere, more and more people are wondering how to go green and make it cost effective too. The good news is that it's very easy to do. In fact, done properly it's hard not to save money while helping the planet recover. So, here's how to go green (and save money) in 7 simple tips.

1. Lower your winter heating by at least one degree.
If you can stand two or three degrees lower, then all the better. You will use less energy and still feel comfortable. Then in summer, let the air conditioning cool the house a little less. That's a great start in how to go green.

2. Set your washing machine to wash clothes in cold water.
Modern cleaning powders don't need hot water, and heating the water is what consumes most of the energy that the washing machine uses.

3. Don't use the dryer to dry your clothes!
That's not how to go green. It uses far too much energy and it's expensive too. Hang your clothes out to dry. The air is great at drying clothes - your grandmother could have told you that.

4. Use Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.
CFL bulbs use 10% of the energy that a standard bulb needs and they last 10 times longer. So, change your light bulbs. And if you want to know how to go green in a bigger way with lights, check out the new LED bulbs. They can be twice as efficient as the CFL bulbs.

5. Use less water.
Check all faucets for leaks and fix any you find. Take shorter showers, don't bath, and consider getting a new toilet cistern that will use less than two gallons of water per flush. Standard cistern use some three and a half gallons. Using less water uses less energy and saves you money!

6. Walk rather than drive for very short trips.
Use a bicycle for moderate trips, and only use the car if you really have to. Gasoline is expensive and it pollutes the atmosphere. Save on burning it and you will save on your money too, as well as help the environment.

7. Keep the speed below 55mph.
When you have to drive, keep your speed down to around 55 miles per hour if possible. Your car's engine will be running at its most efficient at that speed burning the minimum amount of gas. Practice driving smoothly as well. Don't accelerate fast from a standing start, and don't brake hard. This is how to go green with your car, though using public transport, walking and cycling is even better.

For more great tips on how to go green and how to save money by going green, check out Going Green & Saving Green you can find online

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Build Your Own Wind And Solar Power System, For a Better Tomorrow... Today!

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Hi Readers,

My name is Tomas and I have spent a great part of my life working for power plants and electricity companies. I am now retired and I no longer fear to share what I have learned over the years. Power companies are charging you way too much for electricity! They have been using the recent fuel problems to justify their price increases, but this just isn't fair to people like you and I.

You know why?

Because power production costs are way under what people believe them to be!

Power companies are charging ridiculously high costs for their electricity because they know that no matter how much they ask you to pay for it, you will HAVE to pay it. Who can live without electricity, right? I am here to help you get out of this exploitation circle. 

My Energy2Green kit is going to teach you everything you need to know to reduce your utility bills to $10 a month or even eliminate them completely. Even better: if you produce 
more energy than you use, the power company will actually pay you for your electricity!

Windmills and solar panels are being sold at prices averaging $3000. I am here to teach
you how to make your own for less than $200!

My Energy2Green manual is going to teach you everything you need to know to
convert your house into a green home even with an extremely limited budget.

Most people believe the only way to get solar and wind power is to buy factory-built
panels and windmills and that it is too costly to be envisageable by average-class people.
WRONG! I am here to show you the OTHER way most people don't know about. The CHEAP way.

Just visit  and i show you how this is possible!

Speak soon,

Energy2Green systems.  

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Windmill Blades – Make them or Buy Them?

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So you’ve decided to build your own windmill. Possibly you took the right steps and purchased one of the top guides that teach the subject. Or maybe you’re more daring and trying to do it without professionally written instruction. In either case one area where many people get stuck is when it comes time to create their windmill blades.

Really when you get to this step you have two separate options:

   1. Build them yourself – Obviously this is the least expensive route
   2. Buy Premade Windmill Blades – Costs more but is a lot less work

From that I wanted to take some time to talk about the advantages/disadvantages of going either way. In reality if you put a value to your time, by the time you finish building the wind turbine blades yourself, the cost is close to equal. On the other hand, if you’re cheap like me, it might be that you’d rather do it yourself and save the money. In either case there are advantages to going either way.

Buying Your Windmill Blades

First let’s cover the advantages of buying your blades. In this case they are really quite obvious.

   1. The blades are professionally made
   2. More varieties of materials you can buy your blades in
   3. Less concern about getting the correct shape to catch the wind.

Of course there are also disadvantages to buying windmill blades instead of making them yourself. First, it becomes more difficult to tailor your blades to the generator you selected/created for your DIY windmill. And then, of course, there is the cost involved.
Machined blades can run you as much as $1,000 or more. To offset that cost, you may want to check eBay. Often you can find premade blades there, in diameters of 4’ to 6’, for around $100.
Making Your Own Windmill Blades

While there are advantages to buying your windmill blades, there are also some big advantages to building them yourself.

   1. The blades are created with your actual windmill design in mind.
   2. You save your money, and your home power system will cost less.
   3. You get to choose the style of turbine blade to fit your area. Especially in low wind speed areas, this is important.
   4. You get the satisfaction of telling everyone – you did it!

If you do choose to build your own windmill blades, I suggest you take the time to learn about the top three wind power conversion guides. With our top pick specifically, they recently added a video that teaches that exact topic.
In any case, be sure to take the time to design your blades to fit your application. Taking the time to do so will ensure your wind mill operates trouble-free for years to come!

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What Are Green Energy Sources

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Many home owners today are looking into integrating green energy sources for developing more energy efficient homes and businesses.  A green energy source is power generated through renewable resources, such as the sun, wind and water.  The other benefit of green energy sources is their low contribution to global warming, pollution and other environmental issues. 

The most popular of green energy sources is the sun.  Energy captured from the sun is called solar energy.  Of the green energy sources, solar energy is the most popular because it offers multiple options for use.  It is possible to harness electrical energy from the sun using solar panels consisting of photovoltaic cells that convert energy from the sun into electricity you can use in your home or business.  There are also solar hot water collectors that use the heat of the sun to produce hot water.  These solar green energy sources are readily available and increasing in popularity as most homes and businesses can have them mounted on their roof and they can take advantage of lowered utility costs.

The most efficient of green energy sources is wind.  Wind has been used to power water pumps for centuries, but has grown in popularity as a way to supplement home and business electricity needs.  Wind is the safest and cleanest of the green energy sources as it produces no pollutants and does not contribute to global warming.  Wind energy is harnessed by erecting a turbine that spins in the breeze generating electricity.  Unlike the sun, which can be found almost anywhere, in order to utilize wind as a green energy source, you must live in an area where wind is readily available. 

Water is also a viable participant of green energy sources.  Water is less widely used as a green energy source for homes, as not all homes have an available stream to produce the needed electricity.  The Amish have used water to power entire shops using conveyer belt systems, so it is an old practice, but it is still being used successfully today.  As with solar and wind energy, energy harnessed from moving water is almost completely pollutant free and is generated from a renewable resource.

Green energy sources are available for use to combat global warming, our dependence on fossil fuels and to lower our monthly budget.  Investing in Green energy sources for your home and business needs can add dollars to your wallet and years to the life of our Earth.

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Living The Green Energy Home Dream

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With all the advances in green energy technology, it is easier than ever to start converting your home into a green energy home.  A green energy home utilizes renewable resources to provide electricity, hot water, heat and peace of mind. 

There are several ways to implement your green energy home plan.  The first is solar energy.  In a green energy home you can install solar hot water panels which heat and store water for use and you can install solar panels, which use photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight into electricity. These systems can be pricing if purchasing them and having them installed by a professional, but there are many great resources available to build your own solar panels and solar hot water systems that can reduce the cost greatly. 

 If you are just building your home, a great way to make it a green energy home is to implement passive solar design during construction.  This means taking advantage of south facing sides of the house for heating and cooling.  By installing lots of highly efficient windows and heat retaining bricks and stone on your south facing areas, you are taking advantage of passive solar techniques to develop your green energy home.

Another addition to the green energy home would be a windmill.  Windmills are used to generate electricity from the renewable resource wind.  Windmills can be installed on rooftops or in yards and offer pollution free electric.  Windmills can be purchased from retailers or there are a wide variety of affordable kits available for the motivated do-it-yourselfers to handle the implementation of their own green energy home plans.

If you have a stream on your property, you may also add to the efficiency of your green energy home with hydroelectric power.  This is also a great pollution free option that is easy to maintain and works as long as there is water available. 

The ultimate green energy home would combine all of these resources.  By using wind, water and solar to generate electricity you are looking not only at huge savings and possible profits from your electricity usage, but you would truly be green as each of these options contributes little to global warming.  To further combine passive solar design and solar hot water systems, you are reducing your energy needs exponentially and truly living the dream of going green.

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Live Green And Save Money

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We all want to live green and save money at the same time, and we can too. Kermit the Frog was wrong when he said, "It ain't easy being green." It's really easy, and highly effective too, if you know how. This article will provide you with 5 essential steps you can start taking today to live green and save money.
  1. Turn your heater thermostats down one or two degrees in winter, and turn your air conditioning thermostats up one or two degrees in summer. If we all did this, the combined difference would be phenomenal. We'd still feel warm in winter and cool in summer, so learn how to live green and save money with your heating and cooling appliances.

  2. The other appliance that needs your attention is your washing machine. Start washing your clothes in cold water. Modern powders work just as efficiently in cold water as hot. Most of the energy that goes into a clothes wash is in heating up the water, so you will save on electricity, live green and save money too

  3. When your clothes are nice and clean, don't throw them into the dryer. Unless it's pouring rain, hang them out to air dry. It's what your grandmother did, and she managed just fine. She may have liked having a dryer, but they weren't around back then, so she just had to live green and save money. You can too!

  4. Compact fluorescent light bulbs are a dream come true for anyone who wants to live green and save money. They burn just 25% of the electricity that a standard light bulb burns, and they can last up to 10 times longer. Change your old bulbs today!

  5. Try to consume a little less of everything, from electricity, to gas in the car, to the food you eat. Take time to write out a shopping list, and stick to it. If you feel the impulse to buy something you don't really need, get into the habit of waiting 24 hours, then review it. The chances are you either won't want it any more, or you will have forgotten about it.

It's easy to live green and save money. You just have to give it some thought. Get into a routine that works and before you know it, you will find yourself in the situation where you live green and save money every day.

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Drive Smart, Save Green - 5 Great Tips

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Drive smart, save green. It's a great phrase, and if more people took up the challenge, the whole country - no, the whole world - would benefit immensely. How can you make a difference to the environment with your driving? This article provides you with 5 great tips that you can put into action right away. You'll save money and help the environment too.

OK, time to drive smart, save green...
  1. It has to be said: the very best thing you can do to help the environment with your car is stop driving it! However, you may not have that option, so drive slower instead. Most cars perform best at speeds of between 50 mph to 60 mph. Not too slow and not too fast is how to drive smart, save green.
  2. A staggering 20% of your car's fuel consumption is used up just overcoming tire roll resistance! How can you drive smart, save green in these circumstances? Buy quality tires that get great reviews. They may cost a little more, but they will perform better. And remember too that under inflated tires will cost you more in gas bills!
  3. Lighten the load in your car. I'll bet there are things in your car's trunk that don't need to be there. Go through each item you regularly carry. If you don't really need it, dump it. You can drive smart, save green with a lighter load. That will let your car be more fuel efficient.
  4. Switch off your engine while you wait if you are likely to be waiting more than one minute. Restarting your engine burns roughly about the same amount as one minute of idle time, so if you think you will be idling for more than a minute, cut the engine. You'll save gas and money - drive smart, save green.
  5. Drive smoothly. This one shouldn't need to be mentioned. It should be the unspoken part of drive smart, drive green. Erratic driving with sudden accelerating and hard braking uses up extra gas. It puts extra wear and tear on your car, which means extra costs to you and the environment.
Learning to drive smart, save green is largely common sense. If you really need your car, then learn to drive it responsibly and sensibly. However, if you can walk easily to where you need to go, then do so! Only drive smart, save green when you can't walk.

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Examples Of How Going Green Saves You Money

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There are many examples of how going green saves you money. Kermit the Frog was wrong - it IS easy being green, and it saves you money at the same time. As the planet faces a period of warming where our actions are believed to be the prime cause, it makes sense to seek out examples of how going green saves you money and act on them.

That cell phone charger that stays plugged in, the DVD player that waits for the occasional playing, and the TV that sits on standby all night, these are prime examples of how going green saves you money - if you unplug them, that is. For even if the items are not working, they are consuming energy!

Another of the prime examples of how going green saves you money is switching from bottled water to filtered tap water. The average family spends some $1,400 a year on bottled water. And the worst part is that 95% of the plastic bottles are not recycled! For less than $100 you could get a high quality staged water filter to make your tap water perfect.

Examples of how going green saves you money are everywhere. Do you drive as fast as the law allows? You shouldn't. Car engines perform most efficiently at around 55 miles an hour. If you combine that with gentle driving on properly inflated tires, you will save money and help the planet too.

You could always use a bicycle to travel around town. Or you could simply walk for those short trips. You won't be pouring hydrocarbons into the atmosphere, warming the planet, you will save money, and you will get some good exercise at the same time. Walking and cycling when you can are excellent examples of how going green saves you money.

Some 65 million newspapers are printed every day in the US. Some 70% of them will not be recycled. What a waste of trees! You can do your bit to help, and read whatever news you want to read at the same time simply by going online. Very few newspapers don't have an online presence these days, so save some money and read from the web pages.

Do you want more example of how going green saves you money? They are all around you. Just look and you certainly will find them.

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How To Go Green At Work And Save Too - 5 Tips

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Every business, small or large, should be thinking of how to go green at work in order to save money and the environment at the same time. Workers can be wasteful at work. Sometimes it's because they are not paying for their carelessness, or maybe because their boss doesn't care either. Knowing how to go green at work, at least a little bit, is invaluable. We should all be doing it and we can easily do it too.

Here are 5 simple tip to help...
  1. The office printer is one appliance in the work place where you can start learning how to go green at work. Paper comes from trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, preventing it from accumulating in the atmosphere and adding to the global greenhouse effect. You can cut paper usage in half at a single stroke by simply printing on both sides of every sheet of paper. That's one example of how to go green at work and save money too!
  2. Business travel costs a huge fortune every year. This is not how to go green at work. No one travels by bicycle, or walks to meetings. No, they travel in huge gas-guzzling jets, or along highways in comfortable cars. Business travel puts a considerable strain on the planet. The answer? Use video conferencing as much as possible. With a good high speed Internet connection and a decent web cam, you can speak to anyone anywhere in the world. There's a good choice of conferencing software available, and all at a mere fraction of jet travel.
  3. Work from home. That answers the question of how to go green at work by cutting down on office expenses. You heat your home anyway, and as long as you have the necessary communications needed to do your job, then why not work from home! Of course, if you're a truck driver, or a circus clown, it may be more difficult.
  4. Invoice by email. This is one of the simplest ways of how to go green at work. As in tip number one, you save on paper, and a lot of paper too. Let your customers have the option to pay online of possible. The more you can do electronically that has traditionally been done with paper, the more the planet will benefit, and you'll save money too.
  5. Use laptops rather than stand alone computers and monitors. A laptop will consume around 50 watts of energy while in use compared to a computer and monitor, which consumes around 270 watts of energy. Also, have all laptops set so that they go to sleep if not used for more than 15 minutes. Screensavers do not save money. Quite the opposite; they use more! How to go green at work and save a lot of money? Switch off all computers and laptops when not in use. If all businesses did this they would save enough to power the city of Chicago for one year!

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7 Tips To Go Green And Save

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At a time when the world faces increasing global warming, as more and more harmful greenhouse gases pour out into the atmosphere, more and more people are wondering how to go green and make it cost effective too. The good news is that it's very easy to do. In fact, done properly it's hard not to save money while helping the planet recover.

So, here's how to go green (and save money) in 7 simple tips:
  1. Lower your winter heating by at least one degree. If you can stand two or three degrees lower, then all the better. You will use less energy and still feel comfortable. Then in summer, let the air conditioning cool the house a little less. That's a great start in how to go green.
  2. Set your washing machine to wash clothes in cold water. Modern cleaning powders don't need hot water, and heating the water is what consumes most of the energy that the washing machine uses.
  3. Don't use the dryer to dry your clothes! That's not how to go green. It uses far too much energy and it's expensive too. Hang your clothes out to dry. The air is great at drying clothes - your grandmother could have told you that.
  4. Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs use 10% of the energy that a standard bulb needs and they last 10 times longer. So, change your light bulbs. And if you want to know how to go green in a bigger way with lights, check out the new LED bulbs. They can be twice as efficient as the CFL bulbs.
  5. Use less water. Check all faucets for leaks and fix any you find. Take shorter showers, don't bath, and consider getting a new toilet cistern that will use less than two gallons of water per flush. Standard cistern use some three and a half gallons. Using less water uses less energy and saves you money!
  6. Walk rather than drive for very short trips. Use a bicycle for moderate trips, and only use the car if you really have to. Gasoline is expensive and it pollutes the atmosphere. Save on burning it and you will save on your money too, as well as help the environment.
  7. When you have to drive, keep your speed down to around 55 miles per hour if possible. Your car's engine will be running at its most efficient at that speed burning the minimum amount of gas. Practice driving smoothly as well. Don't accelerate fast from a standing start, and don't brake hard. This is how to go green with your car, though using public transport, walking and cycling is even better.

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Alternative Fuels

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Right now in the United States, there is a huge push for people to use alternative fuels as opposed to gasoline. There are many reasons for this push. Generally, it’s because alternative fuels are kinder to the environment and can help to combat the ever-growing problem of global warming.

The price of driving a car is rising at an alarming rate. It has become very expensive to drive a car, so people are looking out for ways to save money on their fuel. Scientists are developing alternative fuels that can help not only the environment, but also the consumer’s checkbook. The new alternative fuels offer advantages in so many ways that people are really starting to take a look at these as an option over paying astronomical gasoline prices.

When consumers use alternative fuels both to gas up their car as well as heat and cool their homes, they are helping the environment as well as helping themselves. The toxins that are released into the air when we burn gasoline and other fuels have shown to contribute to global warming and before we know it, winter will be as warm as summer.

In the simplest form, an alternative fuel is one that is not produced by using crude oil. They are simply fuels that replace conventional gasoline as a means of powering vehicles. Alternative fuels have desirable energy efficiency and pollution reduction features. The 1990 Clean Air Act encourages development and sale of alternative fuels.

There are many different kinds of alternative fuels – the most prominent one as well as the one that has been around the longest is ethanol. Ethanol is made from corn which is a great help to our farmers as well as to consumers and the environment. Ethanol is sometimes called grain alcohol. It can also be made from organic materials including agricultural crops and waste, plant material left from logging, and trash including paper.

The alcohol found in alcoholic beverages is ethanol. However, the ethanol used for motor fuel is denatured, which means poison has been added so people can't drink it. Some people believe that producing ethanol takes more energy than it gives back and for the most part, this is true. However, technologies have evolved in such a way that it is possible to increase the efficiency of producing ethanol.

The growing trend toward alternative fuels will probably grow as we become more and more conscious of how we are damaging our environment through our habits and products we use. New alternative fuels are being developed all the time and having a choice will certainly be a nice alternative itself.

Learn more here Go Green - Alternative Fuels

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Alternative Fuel Vehicles

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There is a growing trend toward pushing people to use new alternative fuels to power their vehicles. Alternative fuel burns cleaner, is better for the environment, and, in many cases, can be cheaper than gasoline. But not just any car will run on alternative fuels. The engine must be constructed in a different way to adapt to the new substance that it will be running on.

Almost all major car companies have jumped right on to the alternative fuel bandwagon by manufacturing a variety of vehicles designed especially to run on alternative fuel. They are called, of course, alternative fuel vehicles or AFVs for short. Some vehicles are strictly designed and built to run on nothing but alternative fuel while others can run on either gasoline or alternative fuel making them a hybrid car.

As of 2006, here is a list of some of the alternative fuel or “green” vehicles manufactured by some of the major car companies:
Honda Insight
Honda Accord Hybrid
Dodge Ram Pickup 1500 Series
Dodge Stratus Sedan
Dodge Durango SUV
Dodge Caravan Minivan
Ford Taurus
Ford F-150 Pickup
Ford Escape SUV
GM Impala
Chevrolet Silverado 4 x 2
Chevrolet Tahoe SUV
Chevy Yukon SUV
Nissan Titan Pickup
Toyota Highlander SUV
Toyota Prius

And these are truly just a few of the alternative fuel vehicles that are on the market. There are more and more being designed and manufactured every day. Big car companies know that the wave of the future is going to be towards environmental friendliness when it comes to a person’s vehicle. That’s why their manufacturing of so many alternative fuel or hybrid vehicles is a huge part of their business plans these days.

Now, you should know that even though it is a good idea to buy an alternative fuel vehicle these days, you will have to pay more money to do so. Alternative fuel vehicles run anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 more than a regular gasoline car. That’s why many states offer great incentives for those people who own alternative fuel vehicles.

For example, California, Florida, and Texas have allowed alternative fuel vehicles exemptions when it comes to commuting. These places have commuting or “high occupancy” lanes that allow cars with a certain number of people in them to use them. If you have an AFV, you can be in this lane even if you are by yourself.

The Federal Government also offers a tax break to those people who have purchased an alternative fuel vehicle in the year 2006. For some, that is an amazing tax advantage and well worth the investment in buying an alternative fuel vehicle.

Learn more here Go Green - Alternative Fuel Vehicles

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